Confidence in the UK property market has been boosted since the fall following January's interest rate rise, the latest figures show.
A report from Propertyfinder.com claims that 81.9 per cent of Britons expect house prices to rise over the next year by an average of 6.4 per cent, which is good news for those wishing to reap returns by selling some of the property in their portfolio.
The figures were an increase on the 77.8 per cent of people who expected house prices to rise over the next 12 months in February, who predicted house price growth of an average of 5.9 per cent.
Chief executive of Propertyfinder.com, Warren Bright, said that the organisation had seen a slow down in the housing market in recent months.
He added: "However, people have faith in the value of bricks and mortar, and as long as the UK housing market continues to experience such drastic supply issues, this is unlikely to change significantly."
The report also revealed that the number of buyers and sellers expecting house price rises this month had become more balanced, whereas in February ten per cent more sellers had expected house prices to rise by two per cent more in value than buyers.
Hamptons International reported that there was currently an average of eight buyers for every seller in the UK property market.
A report from Propertyfinder.com claims that 81.9 per cent of Britons expect house prices to rise over the next year by an average of 6.4 per cent, which is good news for those wishing to reap returns by selling some of the property in their portfolio.
The figures were an increase on the 77.8 per cent of people who expected house prices to rise over the next 12 months in February, who predicted house price growth of an average of 5.9 per cent.
Chief executive of Propertyfinder.com, Warren Bright, said that the organisation had seen a slow down in the housing market in recent months.
He added: "However, people have faith in the value of bricks and mortar, and as long as the UK housing market continues to experience such drastic supply issues, this is unlikely to change significantly."
The report also revealed that the number of buyers and sellers expecting house price rises this month had become more balanced, whereas in February ten per cent more sellers had expected house prices to rise by two per cent more in value than buyers.
Hamptons International reported that there was currently an average of eight buyers for every seller in the UK property market.
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