Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Salary hike for SL migrant workers in UAE

It is reported that Sri Lankan migrant workers employed in United Arab Emirates (UAE) are entitled to receive a minimum monthly salary of 825 Dirhams (AED) per month effective from January 1, 2008. This will amount to around 24.500/= in rupees monthly.
According to foreign media sources this new regulation of the revised minimum wages has been communicated to the recruiting agencies and agents through the Sri Lankan missions.

The Sri Lankan government has revised the minimum wages of housemaids in the entire Gulf region. While Dh825 has been set for the UAE, the wages in other countries in the Middle East have been set according to their respective per capita income.

This decision came along with the visit of Sri Lankan Minister of Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare, Keheliya Rambukwella, to Dubai in October, when he told reporters that the government was considering increasing the wages.

According to procedures, the missions first approve the contract drawn up by the agent, after which the housemaid is brought from Sri Lanka to the UAE.

Any contract renewed after January 1 will also be considered as new and the employer would have to pay the revised wage. Sources said.

Auspicious opening of Mahanama Bridge, Matara

President Mahinda Rajapaksa declared open the new Manama Bridge at Matara today. The bridge, destroyed by the tsunami, was constructed with a grant worth USD 7 million provided by the Government of Korea.
The newly reconstructed Mahanama Bridge is 116 meters in length, 29.5 meters wide and has six tracks. The Project was implemented by Road Development Authority (RDA) Sri Lanka, with the Korean Highways Corporation providing consultancy services. The bridge is built across the Nilwala River and is in the heart of Matara city. Work on the bridge commenced upon President Rajapaksa's request when he was Prime Minister.

The bridge, declared open on the third anniversary of the tsunami, is expected to improve the quality of life of the people of the area and enhance the prosperity of the Matara District.

The President reminded the nation how unlike any other nation Sri Lanka was able to emerge from the debris left by the tsunami.

Sri Lanka observes Tsunami anniversary

Third Tsunami anniversary is being observed as National Safety Day in Sri Lanka Wednesday.

The main commemorative function is being held at Ratnapura in southern Sri Lanka.

A special prayer meeting is also being held at Peraliya, south of Colombo where more than 1000 passengers were killed as their train was washed away by the giant waves three years ago, All India Radio reported.

The whole of the island nation went into silent prayers for three minutes in the morning as mark of respect to those who perished in tsunami.

The nature's fury had killed more about 40,000 people besides displacing 2.5 million in Sri Lanka, the worst affected country after Indonesia.

India was the first country to have rushed to help Sri Lanka when Tsunami hit the island.

Besides pledging dlrs 23 million as Tsunami relief, New Delhi had dispatched ship loads of food and relief materials to the Tsunami hit regions.

More than 1000 military and medical personnel from India worked day in and day out to help Sri Lanka recover from the tsunami shock.

In Indonesia Mass prayers as well as a major emergency Tsunami drill are being held in coastal Calang town in Aceh, province.

Archipelagic Indonesia was the nation worst hit by the earthquake- triggered tsunami, with some 168,000 lives claimed by the catastrophic walls of water that lashed Aceh province at the northern tip of Sumatra island.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Housing market continues to slow

The property market is still cooling, despite a slight rise in house prices during October, official figures show.

Prices rose by 0.1% in that month, the Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) said, compared with 0.3% in September.

The annual rate of house price inflation was 11.3%, up from 10.8% the previous month.

But the average figure for the three months to October, seen as a more reliable indicator, fell to 11.1%.

DCLG calculated that the average price of a home in the UK is now £220,195, just £84 more than the average price in September.

Tourism recovers from earlier slump

Tourism has staged a turn around from November, with a robust arrival gain of 20 per cent for the month. The drop-in arrivals peaked in May this year to 40 per cent after the LTTE attack on the Bandaranaike International Airport and the subsequent curfew imposed on night flights.

Since September this year, a recovery was seen with a strong turn into a positive last month. Arrivals for November was 45,102 compared with 37, 591 for the same month last year. With the current boost Sri Lanka tourism got with the Barmy Army of nearly 7,000 fans currently enjoying the cricket test matches.

December is expected to perform better. With the third and the final test matches in Galle attracting much attention, nearly 10,000 cricket fans are expected to be in Sri Lanka.

“Looking at the forward bookings, we are confident that we will end up with a good winter season performance this time. With events like the Galle Literary Festival, The Pearl Fishers opera, lifestyle shows in April and other exciting events planned for next year, we should expect the recovery to be sustainable,” said Chairman, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau Renton de Alwis.

“We also note the achievements in the Middle East market where an overall 30 per cent gain has been achieved between January and November, with an increase from 9,535 to 12, 327,” he said.

India tests surface-to-air missile: Defence Ministry

India on Friday successfully tested its surface-to-air Akash missile at an eastern coastal site, the second firing of the weapon in as many days, defence officials said.

The missile blasted off from the Chandipur-on-Sea testing site, 200 kilometres (125 miles) northeast of Orissa state capital Bhubaneswar, a defence ministry official said.

The test of the Akash missile on Thursday was also described as a success. The 700-kilogramme (1,540-pound) Akash, meaning “sky” in Hindi, has a range of 27 kilometres and can carry a 55-kilogramme warhead.

The tests came days after India announced plans to increase its nuclear prowess with a ballistic missile capable of hitting targets up to 6,000 kilometres away.

New Delhi also announced two tests this month of Indian-manufactured interceptor missiles.

India has built a range of ballistic and cruise missiles as a deterrent to China and Pakistan.

Russian astronaut guest of honour at Sir Arthur C. Clarke felicitation

Astronaut Alexey Leonov of Russia, the first man to walk in space will be the guest of honour at a ceremony to felicitate Sir Arthur C. Clarke on his 90th birthday at a Central Bank auditorium today at 5.00 p.m.

The Foreign Ministry will host the ceremony to felicitate Sir Clarke which will be held under the patronage of President Mahinda Rajapaksa. Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama will deliver the welcome address. Dr. Alexey Leonov who was the first man to walk in space, when he stepped outside the Voskhod 2 spacecraft for about 12 minutes, on March 18, 1965.

He is also a long standing personal friend of Sir Arthur C. Clarke. Dr. Leonov is due to present Sir Arthur a medal from the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia and deliver an address on “Sir Arthur C Clarke: A personal memoir”.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Eastern Tamils rally against alleged LTTE, TNA coalition

Thousands of Tamils and Muslims are flocking to Batticaloa town today (December 10) with slogans and banners condemning alleged LTTE, TNA coalition's obstruction of resettlement and development work, in a demonstration organized by the Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal (TMVP), reports our Eastern Area defence correspondent.

Latest reports said that an estimated crowd over 9000 participated in the event to stage their strong protest against the self-claimed Tamil representatives.

People were seen coming in from all parts of the recently liberated Eastern Province to stage a mass protest against the LTTE - TNA axis, said defence sources observing the activities.

According to available information many Tamil and Muslim civilians from Kallady, Chenkallady and Valachchenai and many other areas are making their way towards Batticaloa, where the demonstrators are expected to hand over a memorandum to the Batticaloa GA, to be forwarded to H.E the President.

Our Defence Correspondent has learnt that the memorandum requests the President to continue the resettlement and mega-development projects in the east, despite attempts of the LTTE - TNA coalition to disrupt this work

"TNA has no right to bellow on the grievances of us Tamils. They are neither our representatives nor democrats. They dwell under the sympathy of the LTTE and only fiddles its tribal ideologies", viewed a Tamil school teacher who was among many at the demonstration.

When one charity is banned LTTE finds another to raise funds in the UK

How did the LTTE terrorist's front organization which operates under the disguise of "White Pigeon" charity succeed to continue the activities of the defunct UK charity TRO (Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation?)

UK sources indicate that a major fund raising programme has been organised to take place on the 12 January 2008 under a pseudo name of 'Mega Musical Festival - 2008' and the venue, is going to be the Alexandra Palace in North of London, one place, for some unknown reason, the LTTE does not seem to have any problem in booking the massive hall which can accommodate 10,000 people, despite the terrorist outfit is banned in the UK under the Prevention of Terrorism Act.

It is equally ironic how the Terrorists have managed to get down officially a few Tamil Nadu cinema stars and entertainers costing them over œ30,000 ( Rs.6,840,000). The cost of hiring the hall is expected to be in excess of œ25,000 ( Rs.5,800,000). Entry tickets for the show are going to be priced at œ25 (single) œ75(family), andœ100(VIP).

Sources further add that since the UK Charity Commission clamping down on the pro-LTTE TRO, their front line activities still continue under a different charity name called 'White Pigeon'

'White Pigeon's founder and present chairman is said to be Dr N Sathiyamoorthy, also known as Dr Moorthy who was the chairman of TRO in the UK at the time of Charity Commission's regulatory arm intervened and subsequently ordered its closure.

He is said to be a former armed cadre of the LTTE in the Trincomalee area who has since coming over to the UK claimed political asylum in the United Kingdom. He is known as one of the frontline activists of the LTTE in the UK who makes political commentaries from the LTTE front line media. He is also believed to be involved in fund raising activities for the terrorist organisation. At a remembrance mass held very recently at the Harrow Leisure Centre in aid of Thamilselvan who perished under SLAF bombing, Dr N Sathiyamoorthy was entrusted to garland the picture of the deceased, source further add. .

Friday, December 07, 2007

Nokia meets demand for localisation

Rural women can use their mobiles to create business opportunities, Head of Mobile Phones, Nokia, Kai Oistamo said at the Nokia World 2007, the annual conference in Amsterdam, yesterday.

"Mobiles can be used by rural women to commence businesses. Exciting changes are taking place in countries like Africa where women lend their phones to others in the village to make calls. When people start coming to their houses they start a small business like selling food. Women have the purchasing power in emerging markets and they make the purchasing decision most of the time," he said.

"In few years time mobile phones will be the most used device to access internet. The key objective is to know what the consumer wants. The emerging market is interesting. There is a great deal to be done to the emerging markets if you have an insight. You have to put yourself in the shoes of who you are designing for," Oistamo added.

He also noted that Nokia is concerned about the security of the devices. "We are bullishly leading in security and will continue to be ahead of the people who are trying to break it," he said.

"There is a demand for localisation. Nokia creates very human technology. We also create solutions that appeal to both men and women. We have 83 different languages to make the products localised," Oistamo added.

Mobitel opens flagship centres

Mobitel opened its flagship centres at Mobitel Headquarters as well as in Excel World yesterday.

"The atmosphere created here at the flagship centres complies with International standards and emerging global trends of today's youth" Chairman of Sri Lanka Mobitel Asoka Weerasinghe de Silva said.

He said this particular ambience will help shift paradigms of visitors to the store, by facilitating them to experience the best flavours of modern lifestyles of Mobitel.

The new store layout will encourage the customers to roam around and self serve catchy ring tones, explore the latest technologies and also about mobile phone models at very interactive DIY counters and kiosks.

Business customers and corporate customers will be served in the business class enclosure where they will have access to competent customer service consultants who will work with customer solution engineers, who will design customised solutions for corporate specific needs.

"Seeing is believing" CEO of Mobitel Suren J. Amarasekara said. He further stated that, people will be amazed at the capabilities of M3, Mobitel's super 3G services.

Defence vote passed with majority of 126

The vote on the Defence, Public Security, Law and Order Ministry was passed with a majority of 126 votes in Parliament yesterday.

One hundred forty one members including the UPFA, JVP, JHU, SLMC and the CWC voted in favour of the vote.

Thirty seven JVP members also voted in favour of the vote.

Fifteen MPs including 13 TNA MPs, UNP MP T. Maheshwaran and Western People's Front MP Mano Ganeshan voted against while the other UNP MPs abstained from voting.

The TNA asked for a division. Later the JVP asked for a division by name.

Addressing Parliament during the Committee Stage debate of the votes of the Defence Ministry, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayaka said the heroic Armed Forces were acting with dedication to defeat terrorism.

"Today the country has reached a decisive stage, and steps should be taken to wipe out terrorism completely. It is a pity that there are some groups who could not tolerate the steps we have taken to crush terrorism and appreciate the victories our Armed Forces have achieved so far," the Prime Minister added.

He said: "The country has reached a decisive stage. Steps should be taken to completely eradicate terrorism. This is the wish of the entire nation. Our heroic Armed Forces are acting with dedication to defeat terrorism. But there is a certain group which cannot tolerate these victories achieved by our Armed Forces.

When the LTTE faces severe setbacks this group gets very upset. There are local and foreign forces who are trying to stifle the victories of our Armed Forces. The intention of this group is not to see a peaceful Sri Lanka by defeating terrorism.

They have taken various measures to sabotage the military operations launched by our Armed Forces. Therefore, we are at a decisive stage today.

Bloodthirsty LTTE terrorists again attempted to assassinate Minister Douglas Devananda as they tried on 11 previous occasions. Why is the LTTE killing its own Tamil political leaders ?

This clearly shows the brutality of Prabhakaran. He knows that his end is nearing. Therefore he is attempting to make the South unstable through his murder and mayhem. Nearly 20 people were killed while more than 50 were injured in the bomb explosion at Nugegoda. The intention of Prabhakaran is to resort to more terrorist acts in the South and measures should be taken to prevent such terrorist activities.

An opportunity should be created for the people to live without any fear. The LTTE wants to create an unstable situation in the South.

Govt., Forces doing utmost to protect lives, properties

The Government and the Security Forces are doing their level best to protect the lives and properties of the people from the barbaric acts of the desperate LTTE. The duty of everybody must be to uplift the psychological strength of the Armed Forces and the public, said Information and Media Minister and Cabinet Spokesman Anura Priyadarshana Yapa.

Addressing the weekly Cabinet press briefing held at the Government Information Department Auditorium, Colombo 5 yesterday, Minister Yapa said that the Government is doing its best at the moment to wipe out terrorism from Sri Lanka and has been doing so since it came to power.

The LTTE shows its cowardice through ruthless attacks on civilians. The Government has taken all the precautions to protect human lives and property. The Government believes that its prime duty is protecting the people belonging to all ethnicities, he added.

"The public should be well aware of the existing situation and be vigilant but this should not be interpreted as scaring or terrifying the public. The Government will pay compensation to all affected by the LTTE bomb attacks but the value of the lives lost cannot be estimated in terms of money. Now everyone including the SLMM has to accept the reality and the truth about the ruthless LTTE," Minister Yapa said.

Explaining the recent barbaric attacks carried out on innocent civilians by the LTTE, Minister Yapa said that in Kebithigollewa alone the LTTE has killed 80 civilians by exploding claymore mines on buses on two occasions (day before yesterday and June last year) and killing around 30 innocent civilians with bomb attacks at Nittambuwa, Ambalangoda and Ampara," he said.

The Sri Lankan Government started to pay attention to the problems of the Tamil community a long time ago and when the Provincial Councils were introduced only the LTTE rejected it.

But the LTTE continuously sabotaged the solutions by assassinating President R.Premadasa and by trying to assassinate former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga.

It showed that the LTTE never believed in or wanted to find a settlement through discussion. Only the Sri Lankan Government always wanted it. During the CFA the LTTE killed all army intelligence officers and the informants of the Army living in the North and East. The LTTE trained their cadres and collected arms to strengthen their capability, Minister Yapa said.

The right of every democratically elected Government is protecting people and their property. Communities develop their identities along with the economical, cultural and social development processes of a country and not through a group that kill innocent people. The APRC will come out with its proposals soon.

Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena said that all the organisations who made a big hue and cry when the Sri Lanka Air Force bombs legitimate LTTE targets now keep quiet about the LTTE's barbaric killings of innocent civilians.

Those organisations only see one or two civilians injured by accident during attacks on LTTE targets and they never see the hundreds of innocent civilians killed by the LTTE in very barbaric manner.

The SLAF never targets civilians intentionally but the LTTE always kills innocent civilians in a ruthless manner, he added.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Special Awards for two eminent Sri Lankans

The highest award bestowed in Sri Lanka namely, the ‘Sri Lankabhimanya’ Award will be granted to former Supreme Court judge Dr. C.G.Weeramanthri and Dr. A.T. Ariyarathne tomorrow (01st) of December.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa will ceremoniously present the awards at Temple Trees.

This ‘Sri Lankabhimanya’ Award can be bestowed only on five eminent living Sri Lankans at one at the same time. Formenr Executive President D.B.Wijethunga, Dr. Arthur C. Clark, Dr. Lester James Peiris are three who have received this award earlier.

Supreme Court judge Dr. C.G.Weeramanthri is a Judge of the UN International Judiciary and was its Deputy Chairman and a recipient of Alternative Nobel Prize.

Dr. A.T. Ariyarathne, is the Leader and the Pioneer of the Sarvodya Movement in Sri Lanka. He has been recognized with Ramon Magsazay Award, Mahathma Ghandhi Peace Award of India, and Herbert M. Humphrey Award of the USA and other similar awards for his contributions in Community Development work

Tamil duo interrogated by Swiss Police for filming Sri Lanka’s Geneva Mission

Two suspicious Tamil civilians who were caught filming outside the Consulate yesterday morning were interrogated by the Diplomatic Police of Geneva. The Consular Section is housed in the Permanent Mission.

The 30 year old woman who lives in Switzerland claimed to have come to the Consulate to renew her passport. She was accompanied by a 27 year old man resident in Italy. They were apprehended by the alert Consulate staff and were handed over for questioning to the Diplomatic Police of Geneva. The Consulate is closed on Fridays.

Their camcorder contained footage of both outside the building and public areas just outside the Consulate. The Consulate has obtained copies of the relevant pages of their passports and other documents. The Diplomatic Police of Geneva are conducting further inquiries.

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva in their press release sated that, the incident took place while the Sri Lankan Minister for Disaster Management and Human Rights Mahinda Samarasinghe is in Geneva to brief Ambassadors and a top UN human rights official on the latest efforts undertaken by the Government of Sri Lanka regarding human rights.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Laugfs ventures into leisure sector

Laugfs Holdings is diversifying its business into the leisure sector with a Rs. 500 million investment on a small luxury hotel.

The project is targeted to be completed within eighteen months, General Manager, Laugfs Leisure Limited, Aruna Jayalath said.

Jayalath said the construction of the project will start in January 2008.

They have also applied for membership with the Small Luxury Hotels Association (SLHA)in UK. There are only three Sri Lankan hotels who are members of this organisation. SLHA has commenced inspections on this project.

The hotel is planned to be built in an area between Negombo and Chilaw. The area is untapped in terms of development.

The village income is based on the fisheries sector.

It stimulates attention of tourists with the natural environment, he said.

Disabled female Tiger blows herself up as attempt to kill Minister fails

A disabled female LTTE suicide bomber targeting Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) leader and Social Services Minister Douglas Devananda blew herself up when her attempt to assassinate the Minister was foiled, police said.

The woman blew herself near the Ministry’s Public Relations Office at Narahenpita around 8.05 am killing the Public Relations Officer and injuring two other Ministerial Security Guards, police spokesman Senior DIG Jayantha Wickramaratne said.

The LTTE suicide cadre had entered the Ministry with other public who had appointments to meet Devananda.

“The woman after submitting her ID at the Public Relations Office was subjected to a body search before meeting the Minister. While she was being searched she blew herself up on the spot.”

The ministry’s Public Relations officer Steven Peries, 72, succumbed to his injuries. “Three persons injured in the blast were admitted to hospital around 8.30 am.

Two were in critical condition. One succumbed to his injuries on admission while another is being treated at the ICU. The other sustained minor injuries,” General Hospital Director Dr. Hector Weerasinghe said.

17 killed, 37 injured in Nugegoda blast

At least 17 civilians were confirmed killed and 37 civilians were injured as a suspected parcel bomb exploded near a popular fashion store at Nugegoda junction around 5.55 p.m. yesterday.

Police believe that the parcel bomb had been placed in one of the parcel counters at the No Limit clothing store by a suspected LTTE cadre who had left the scene. The No Limit store and the adjoining building were damaged by the resulting explosion and fire. The shops and the nearby bus halt was crowded during the evening rush hour.

The busy Nugegoda junction filled with students after their tuition classes and a large number of home bound office workers witnessed chaotic scenes immediately after the explosion causing a huge traffic jam on the High Level road and Stanley Thillekeratne Mawatha towards Kohuwala.

“The explosion was due to a suspicious parcel bomb kept in the parcel counter of the No Limit fashion shop,” Military Spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara told the Daily News.

According to reports, the bomb had exploded as a private security guard at the shop attempted to search a suspicious parcel kept in the parcel counter with the assistance of a Police officer on duty close to the Nugegoda junction, Brigadier Nanayakkara added.

The bodies were brought to the Kalubowila Teaching hospital after the incident. Four of the bodies charred beyond recognition were also lying at the hospital.

According to the Director of the Kalubowila Teaching hospital, Dr. W.G. Gunawardena 33 injured persons were admitted to the hospital after the incident and four seriously injured persons were transferred to the Colombo National hospital.

More women among the injured

In the bomb blast at the heart of Nugegoda town last evening (28) 17 were pronounced dead and 37 injured. According to the Director of the Kalubowila Hospital, Dr. W.J. Gunawardena 17 were dead on admission. Among them were seven women, six men and the others were unrecognizable due to burns.
Of the 37 injured five were in a critical condition and transferred to the National Hospital. Among them were two teenage school girls and one has succumbed to her injuries while the other is still in a critical condition. In the bomb blast at the heart of Nugegoda town last evening (28) 17

17injured women are being treated for burns, wounds and shock.

Dr. Gunawardena said that the Kalubowila Teaching Hospital is well-equipped and could meet any emergency situation.. The Hospital staff readily cooperate in any emergency regardless of time and labour They had faced similar circumstance on a few earlier occasions and were therefore prepared for emergencies.

Aftermath of the bomb blast they had to take some in for immediate surgery.

Iran gives $15b aid for Lanka

Sri Lanka has received US $15 billion as aid from Iran for development schemes including the modernisation of the Oil Refinery and several irrigation schemes including the Uma Oya scheme.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s visit to Iran from November 26 to 28 opened a new chapter in the centuries old friendship and relations between the two countries, sources said.

The President’s official tour of Iran has been highly successful and rewarding, a joint statement issued by the two countries following the conclusion of the President’s tour on November 27 said.

Meanwhile, private sector business co-operation between Sri Lanka and Iran will be further enhanced with the signing of two Memoranda of Understanding with the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Mines by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka and the National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka.

A joint statement between Sri Lanka and the Islamic Republic of Iran yesterday said President Mahinda Rajapaksa accompanied by a high-ranking political-economic delegation paid an official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran from November 26 to 28 on the invitation of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad.

President Nejad welcomed President Rajapaksa at a formal ceremony at the presidential office site. After the welcoming ceremony, the two Presidents during official talks attended by high-ranking officials of the two sides discussed various aspects of bilateral relations between the two countries.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sri Lanka bans TRO

The Government has decided to proscribe the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO) whose bank accounts were frozen by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka last year (2006).

This decision was taken by the Cabinet of Ministers following the findings of TRO links with the LTTE terrorist group.

The United States last week froze TRO assets accusing the organization which has raised funds on behalf of the LTTE through a network of individual representatives. "According to sources within the organization, the TRO is the preferred conduit of funds from the United States to the LTTE in Sri Lanka." U.S. Department of the Treasury announced.

The TRO under guise of a charity organization collected and directed funds to the LTTE for procurement operations. Those operations included the purchase of ammunitions, equipment, communication devices, and other technology for the LTTE.

Meanwhile the International Leader of the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), Vinayagamurthi and his wife were taken in to custody in the US. He is believed to be a master mind behind LTTE naval strength. He is supposed to be involved with developing and the use of sea Submarines in their sea attacks.

Courtesy: Government Information Department

Foreign Minister urges Canada, Australia and others to freeze TRO assets

Following the US Government naming the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) as a front for the LTTE operating to obtain funds and procure weapons, Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama called upon the international community to follow suit.

The minister made this appeal especially to the governments of Australia, Canada, Denmark, France and the UK, pointing out 'the continuing ability of the LTTE's numerous front organizations to pose off as charities undermined the ban imposed on the Tigers by India, USA, the UK, and EU member states and Canada'.

The US has frozen TRO assets and banned her citizens from engaging in any transactions with this organization and other LTTE fronts. This measure carried out under Executive Order 13224 has been described as aimed at financially isolating terrorist groups and their support networks.

The Minister also stated:

"The Government of Sri Lanka has in recent times emphasized that the proscription of the LTTE by India, US, Canada and the EU member countries has been undermined and diluted through the continuing ability for numerous front organizations of the LTTE which posed off as charitable fronts - under the guise of rehabilitation, educational, social, religious, and economic groupings - to continue collecting funds to bolster the LTTE arsenal. The TRO has been the most prominent among them and in September 2006, following investigations into its financial transactions by the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Central Bank under Sri Lanka's Financing of Terrorism Law, the Government of Sri Lanka froze TRO accounts in Sri Lanka.

In this context, that I wish to place on record the deep appreciation of the government of Sri Lanka and this entire house, to the US Administration, especially the Treasury Department, for the speedy investigation carried out and for the action taken yesterday against the TRO. In doing so the US Government becomes the first foreign government to take tangible action against an LTTE front organization. . It must be recalled that besides India which proscribed the LTTE in the aftermath of the assassination of Shri Rajiv Gandhi in 1992, the U.S. was the first Western government to take action against the LTTE, when the Department of State designated the LTTE a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) on October 8, 1997 and on November 2, 2001, named the LTTE a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT)."

Monday, November 19, 2007

Chinese company to help construct thermal power plant in SP

The Chinese Daytang Power Group Company has come forward to construct a 300 MW Thermal Power Plant in the Southern province, which is a result of President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s State visit to China.

A group of delegates led by Daytang Power Group Company Chairman Shai Royu who visited Sri Lanka held discussions with Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Minister Sarath Amunugama in connection with the establishment of the Thermal Power plant in the Southern Province.

Minister Amunugama explained about the infrastructure facilities and other essential facilities granted to foreign investors in Sri Lanka.

Daytang Power Group Company is the only Chinese Power Company which is listed in Hong Kong and UK Share markets.

Woman among five held in land racket

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has uncovered a massive fraud where lands are sold on forged deeds following the arrest of five including a woman. The woman had posed off as the owner of several lands and assisted gangleaders to sell land on forged deeds.

CID DIG D. W. Prathapasinghe directing investigations has deployed a special team to ascertain whether any Land Registry employees are involved in the racket.

The CID DIG warned landowners to check their deeds at the Land Registry to ascertain that their lands have not been transferred to any other person without their knowledge on forged documents.

An organised gang operating in Colombo and other parts prepare bogus deeds of declaration conniving with attorneys and transfer them to gang members.

This is done without the land owner’s knowledge.

Investigations have revealed that a Sri Lankan in Australia had complained to the authorities that his land in Sri Lanka had been sold to an outsider without his knowledge.

Jobs for Lankan professionals in Qatar

A Memorandum of Understanding between Sri Lanka and Qatar on bilateral cooperation in the construction industry was signed in Qatar, recently, enabling Sri Lankan professionals and technicians to offer their services in Qatar.

The MoU was signed by Chairman, Sri Lanka Chamber of Construction Industry Deshabandu Surath Wickremasinghe and on behalf of the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry by Abdulaziz Al-Emadi.

The Sri Lankan delegation was led by Export Development and International Trade Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris and Minister of Construction and Engineering Services Rajitha Senaratne and comprised 32 engineers, architects, surveyors, draftsmen and valuers.

The first discussion between the delegation and the professionals in the construction sphere in Qatar was held at the Sri Lankan Embassy while the other major meeting was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Qatar in Doha. This was attended by over 100 participants.

Prof. Peiris said Sri Lankan professionals and workers were creative, skilled and productive and they have been employed around the globe.

He also said employers had a very high opinion of their skills, knowledge and efficiency.

Sri Lanka to import onion from India

Welcoming India’s decision to ease onion exports, Sri Lankan importers on Saturday said they will buy 30,000 tons of the bulb from it to augment supplies in the domestic market.

“Our agents are already waiting at the Tuticorin and Chennai ports in India for buying the onion on hopes of lifting of restrictions and we will import 30,000 tons of onion by December,” an Essential Commodities Importers Association spokesman said.

Sri Lanka had recently imported 20,000 tons onion from China, but the long transition period caused damages to the commodity, traders pointed out.

The Indian Government has withdrawn the ‘export licence’ restriction for overseas sale of onion, as the prices of commodity have started to soften in the domestic market.

The Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has notified that exports of onions could be undertaken after getting the no-objection certificate from NAFED and 12 other state trading agencies (STEs).

Onion exports from India have plummeted by 44 per cent during last month to 22,500 tons as compared to 40,490 tons in the previous month. Times of India

Sri Lanka to import onion from India

Welcoming India’s decision to ease onion exports, Sri Lankan importers on Saturday said they will buy 30,000 tons of the bulb from it to augment supplies in the domestic market.

“Our agents are already waiting at the Tuticorin and Chennai ports in India for buying the onion on hopes of lifting of restrictions and we will import 30,000 tons of onion by December,” an Essential Commodities Importers Association spokesman said.

Sri Lanka had recently imported 20,000 tons onion from China, but the long transition period caused damages to the commodity, traders pointed out.

The Indian Government has withdrawn the ‘export licence’ restriction for overseas sale of onion, as the prices of commodity have started to soften in the domestic market.

The Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) has notified that exports of onions could be undertaken after getting the no-objection certificate from NAFED and 12 other state trading agencies (STEs).

Onion exports from India have plummeted by 44 per cent during last month to 22,500 tons as compared to 40,490 tons in the previous month. Times of India

Monday, November 12, 2007

STF confronts LTTE group; three LTTE bodies found - Pothuvil

Police Special Task Force personnel confronted a group of LTTE terrorists roaming inside the jungles of Pothuvil last evening (November 11) defence sources said.

According to the available information, the confrontation had taken place around 7 p.m., at a location inside the jungle in the Senminikulama area. During the subsequent search in situ, STF personnel had found three bodies of LTTE cadres and a tractor, the sources further said.

The three bodies are presently lying at the Pothuvil government hospital. Police investigations are in progress.

Meanwhile, a Muslim civilian was seriously injured in an LTTE claymore mine attack at Vaddan, south of Trincomalee around 7:30 last night (November 11). According to the sources, the LTTE terrorists had triggered the road side bomb targeting the victim's Canter truck.

The victim is presently undergoing treatments at Government hospital in Serunuwara.

Hayleys turnover tops Rs. 14.2 billion in 2Q

Strong performances from companies in global markets and manufacturing in the second quarter of 2007-08 have generated a welcome improvement in top and bottom line performance for Hayleys PLC, the diversified multinational blue chip conglomerate.

In results released to the Colombo Stock Exchange last week, the Group reported that profit before tax had

grown 16 per cent to Rs. 534.9 million in the three months ending September 30, taking the figure for the first half of the year to Rs. 719.5 million.

Profit after tax for the quarter at Rs. 398.5 million reflected a growth of 20 per cent over the corresponding quarter of 2006-07, resulting in a consolidated first half post tax profit of Rs. 466.6 million.

Turnover for the first six months of the year was up 7 per cent to Rs. 14.2 billion, helped by a 10 per cent growth in the second quarter. Hayleys Chairman N. G. Wickremeratne said: “The Group’s performance showed welcome improvement in the second quarter of the year.

Although performance for the half year still lagged behind that of the previous year due to the results of the first quarter, profit before and after tax and attributable to equity holders of the company were all higher in the second quarter compared with the corresponding quarter of last year.”

“We are encouraged by the overall result achieved in the second quarter of the year and strive for a performance for the year which will be significantly better than the previous year’s,” Wickremeratne added.

Spanish King tells Chavez to shut up

Spain’s King Juan Carlos I told Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to “just shut up,” bringing an Ibero-American summit to end in spectacular fashion on Saturday.

Spain’s monarch stormed out just before the scheduled end of the forum, visibly furious at Chavez’s description of his former prime minister as a “fascist” and for launching a wide-ranging tirade that could not be stopped.

The dispute was a dramatic finale for the 17th meeting of the heads of state and government of Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries in Latin America, and Spain, Portugal and Andorra, which started Thursday.

His description of Spain’s former conservative prime minister Jose-Maria Aznar as a “fascist” prompted current Prime Minister Jose-Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, a socialist, to call on Chavez to show more “respect.”

But Chavez forged on, and on Saturday he repeated the contentious f-word in relation to Aznar, adding: “A fascist isn’t human, a snake is more human than a fascist.”

An irate King Juan Carlos then stepped in, demanding of Chavez: “Why don’t you just shut up?”

But the Venezuelan leader carried on, attacking the United States (a favorite target of his), the Catholic Church in Venezuela and the pope.

He also accused the United States and Europe of having approved of the failed coup against him in 2002. Spain’s king then stormed out of the conference as Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega stepped up to support Chavez.

Chavez’ outburst and King Juan Carlos’ finger-pointing admonition to “shut up” was replayed again and again late Saturday on Spanish television news programs to the delight of viewers.

Government to recruit 12,854 grads as teachers

THE Government will recruit 12,854 graduates to the teacher service to quell the prevailing teacher service on the directive of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, said State Revenue and Finance Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya.

The Minister was addressing the media at the Ministry recently.

Over two thousand graduates who have undergone training under the Tharuna Aruna third programme will receive teaching appointments by January 01 next year.

In addition, 10,766 graduates will be posted to National and Provincial Schools as teachers. 1,507 graduates will be appointed to National Schools while 9,259 graduates will be posted to Provincial Schools.

The Minster said the prevailing teacher shortage in rural and under privileged schools could be solved when this proposed teacher recruitment programme is implemented.

The Minister said the President looked into this issue from a humanitarian perspective. That is why he has suggested to offer 10,000 jobs for graduates at the last budget.

Some politically motivated elements are trying to score over this matter by creating problems for the people when the Government has taken steps to solve this issue, the Minister said.

Indian Finance Minister, President hold talks

Indian Finance Minister P. Chidambaram paid a courtesy call on President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees yesterday.

President Rajapaksa and Minister Chidambaram had a lengthy discussion to further consolidate the existing bilateral links between Sri Lanka and India in the spheres of trade, social and economic activities.

Minister Chidambaram was in Sri Lanka as the Keynote speaker at former Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar’s second commemoration ceremony held under the auspices of the Lakshman Kadirgamar Foundation, at the BMICH yesterday.

Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagamma, Indian High Commissioner Alok Prasad, Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga and Finance Ministry Secretary Dr. P. B. Jayasundera also participated in the discussions.

The Inaugural Lakshman Kadirgamar Memorial Lecture was delivered by President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, Dr Karan Singh in 2006.

SRI LANKANS Please Treat this oil and natural gas resources belongs to our Motherland as your own

It has been revealed through media that the present government is taking various steps to tap the oil and natural gas resources considered to be within the sea area that belongs to Sri Lanka.

Mr. A.H.M. Fouzy, Minister of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development, making a statement on the 3rd of this month to a radio channel that transmits from Britain had said several exhibitions would be organized in London, Houston and Kuala Lumpur during the next month to attract companies to excavate those oil reserves. Minister Fowzy had further said tender forms for the relevant excavations too would be presented to the companies at the same time. He had further said issuing of tender applications would be closed by December and by April 2008, 3 companies would be selected for excavations after scrutinizing the received tender applications.

The minister has also told that the sum of nearly US$450 million (More than Rs.5000 billion) required as expenses for the mobile exhibitions to be held in London, Houston and Kuala Lumpur is conferred by 'Fugro', a foreign company.
It is our belief that US$450 million required for the mobile exhibitions is given by 'Fugro', a company in the USA, not as a loan. Our investigations have shown that 'Fugro' is a company of auctioneers in Now York. If the US$450 million is given by this company not as a loan what it means is that they have an unholy intention behind their offer. It is only a little child who would not know that the company's intention is not only to 'lick fingertips'.
When a country, which possesses oil and natural gas resources, needs to hold mobile exhibitions to attract foreign companies to explore such resources, it has to be either through necessity or to pave the way for someone to squander a large amount of money. It is for the very reason that there are larger resources of oil and gas in the sea around Sri Lanka than what we have been made to believe that more than 200 companies, including several companies that are involved in large scale exploration of oil and gas, have responded to the bid for tenders by the government; not because those mobile exhibitions are held.

According to the tender forms distributed among these companies the agreement for the exploration of oil and gas that has been prepared is disadvantageous to Sri Lanka so that the country which owns the resources receives only a royalty of 10% which is a very minimal amount. The large portion goes to foreign companies. Even those countries that are desolate and have signed very disadvantageous agreements have not come down to this level. The formulation of agreements and preparation of data has been handed over to 'Fugro' the foreign company, a company which has got involved in oil explorations in Ethiopia, Madagascar etc. It is an agreement prepared by such a company that decides the destiny of the petroleum resources in Sri Lanka.

It is evident that doors are being opened to various companies to plunder the oil and gas resources we possess which is the most valuable and principal resource that has the capacity to develop Sri Lanka. This is more evident when we consider those individuals who participated and what occurred at the international summit on marine oil resources held in Houston in the USA on the 1st of May this year.

According to information revealed already by certain reports those who represented Sri Lanka at the relevant summit were Minister A.H.M. Fauzy, USA Ambassador Robert O. Blake and an economical assassin Neil de Silva, the self appointed Director General for petroleum development and has come here from Canada for the purpose of paving way for the plunder of oil reserves in Sri Lanka and Kew Gomes, Chief Executive of Caltex Sri Lanka (Devron). What is the purpose of American Ambassador participating in such a summit representing Sri Lanka? Why should the chief executive of Devron or Caltex Sri Lanka participate in that summit?

Furthermore, during the summit Joel Haz, senior policy Advisor of the American State Department has participated in a workshop held at rooms 201/201/203 in Lion Centre and also made the welcome address as well as the concluding speech of the workshop. What this implies is that the red carpet is being laid for the oil hungry western imperialism to plunder oil and gas resources that belong to Sri Lanka.

Colombo Dockyard Ltd has already received an order for building oil derrick steering crafts, at a scale unprecedented in this region. It is evident that Colombo dockyard would never receive such an order if there wasn't oil in large quantity. Norway attired itself with the garment of peace envoy only after it attired itself with the garment of explorer for petroleum data. The fact that more than 200 companies have expressed their desire to explore for oil in Gulf of Mannar indicates the vastness of oil and gas reserves in the ocean area belonging to Sri Lanka. Isn't it for this purpose that a proposal was included in Ranil Wickremasinghe' s destructive neo-colonialist programme of 'Regaining Sri Lanka' to build Asia's biggest refinery in an economic zone created by merging Monaragala and Hambantota Districts? Is it for nothing that certain private companies in Sri Lanka have already got ready for joint explorations with Norway? Doesn't all this indicate that Sri Lanka possesses very large reserves of oil and natural gas? If not will the USA, at a time when it declines to finance any programme, make available US$65 million to establish an institute to manage oil related trade?

We have a sea bed area that is more than twenty times of Sri Lanka's land area. In that context Sri Lanka is an ocean state. Our country is situated in the world's oil belt. As it lies along the oil belt from the Middle East to Indonesia and also for certain significant geographical reasons there may be large reserves of oil and gas not only in the ocean bed but also within the country. The government of Sri Lanka has already stated that in reserves in Gulf of Mannar alone there are more than a billion barrels of oil. When compared with our daily consumption of oil this reserve would last us for 20 years.
At the moment neighbouring India produces 30% of its oil needs. In an oil well at Cauvery Basin , very close to Sri Lanka India produces 75000 barrels of oil for a day. A large area in Cauvery Basin belongs to Sri Lanka. Also, it is no secret that most of the countries in this 'oil belt' own oil and natural gas resources. Eastern Timor was separated from Indonesia mainly to plunder the oil resources in EasternTimor, It is evident that the western world is shedding crocodile tears regarding military rule in Burma not to wipe the tears off the masses but to plunder the oil resources in that country. Hence, owning of large quantities of oil and natural gas and the strategic location of the country are reasons enough for imperialist countries to have Sri Lanka in their grasp. As such, it is apparent that there is a serious threat to the destiny of the whole of Sri Lanka and on the manner we manage our oil and gas resources the victory or the destruction of Sri Lankan Nation would largely depend on.

The daily requirement of petroleum in Sri Lanka is hundred thousand barrels. Our refinery supplies between 50000 to 55000 barrels a day and the rest of the requirement is imported spending more than Rs.100 billion per day as foreign exchange. It is for this reason that international economic reports have placed Sri Lanka in the 5th position of Asian countries that are bound to face destruction as a result of spiraling fuel prices. According to accepted reports our fuel requirements go up in about 10% annually.

If we are able to tap our oil resources and produce our daily requirement at a maximum cost of US$15 a barrel, we would be able to save US$80 billion of foreign exchange per day. However, expert reports have shown that oil could be produced in Cauvery and Mannar for less than US$5 per barrel. If so the money that we save would be much higher. Accordingly, it is evident that we could save more than US$30000 million for a year. It is more than the money we spend for the war and the amounts we get as loans annually. Hence, it is evident that it is only on this oil and gas resources we possess that we could come out of the political and economic bondage that we are placed today. We have come to this inference without even considering the large profits we would get if we enter the petroleum byproduct industry which has a very high demand internationally. When considering the escalating demand for oil in countries like China and India and the rising prices of oil internationally it is no secret that we have the measures to develop this sector. On the other hand, when compared with many other countries, the scope to utilize the educated human resources of our country in the development of petroleum industry is higher. We could use all these advantages if we could correctly manage the oil and natural gas resources.
Can we silently watch such a resource being allowed to be managed and plundered by international companies? How many countries are there that have been ruined and divided after allowing plundering companies of western countries to control their oil resources? Isn't it to plunder oil and other minerals that a large number of African counties were divided by the imperialists? Don't we have to think of the unborn future generations of the country, who really are the inheritors of these resources, when we take decisions regarding these oil and gas resources? However, what is in motion at present is not a process that care about such responsibilites.
The decisions regarding the oil and gas resources are being taken secretly in this country today. Has the President seen the data regarding oil and natural gas resources in Sri Lanka? This data is in a special computer that belongs to a company called Fugro. Cannot Neil de Silva, the suspicious character and self-styled 'Director General of Petroleum Resources' who has suddenly emerged from a foreign country be the economic assassin who has come to pave the way for companies of western countries to plunder these resources? Can there be bigger idiots than us if we allow such people and Minister Fouzy to take decisions regarding these resources on which our happiness or sorrow would depend?

The minister or Neil de Silva or the President has no right to take arbitrary decisions regarding these resources. These resources belong to the whole Nation. Hence, decisions regarding it should be taken in a very transparent manner; with the participation of all responsible parties. Sri Lankan expatriates with expert knowledge in this field or our scientists, whether retired or still in service, could be consulted. The agreements should not be prepared according to whims and fancies of a company like 'Fugro.' If we make blunders in coming to agreements or making decisions there is every possibility that they could not be corrected. It is evident the process that is being carried out now is one that allows western countries and their companies plunder the most valuable oil and gas resources that belong not only to us but also to the unborn next generation of our country. Hence, we call upon the President and the government to stop the process that allows a few individuals to acquire their booty immediately. We also demand that the process of taking decision on the oil and natural gas resources be handed over to a special Parliamentary Committee. We call upon the authorities to get our own scientists who love our country to prepare a strategic plan and make it the national charter; open up institutes to train our human resources in the relevant field and to refrain from taking hasty decisions as if selling peanuts.

We also call upon the people in this country to treat this most valuable wealth that belongs to our Motherland as your own, consider allowing it to be plundered by anyone as allowing your and your off springs future to be plundered. Hence, you should consider the correct management of oil and natural gas reserves as your absolute right. We also call upon the masses to rally to defend that right.

Let's not allow anyone to make this wealth that brings dignity and prosperity to the Nation one that would bring destruction and misery instead. Let's not allow imperialist countries that have already directly or indirectly banded together with separatist tiger terrorists to plunder our oil and gas resources. The legitimate children of Mother Lanka would never keep quite when anyone tries to make Sri Lanka another Nigeria, Sudan or Ethiopia. Let's make defending our oil and gas resources and our Motherland the only condition of our lives. We call upon this government not to ignore this and come to idiotic decisions that are hostile to the country.

SRI LANKANS Please Treat this oil and natural gas resources belongs to our Motherland as your own

It has been revealed through media that the present government is taking various steps to tap the oil and natural gas resources considered to be within the sea area that belongs to Sri Lanka.

Mr. A.H.M. Fouzy, Minister of Petroleum & Petroleum Resources Development, making a statement on the 3rd of this month to a radio channel that transmits from Britain had said several exhibitions would be organized in London, Houston and Kuala Lumpur during the next month to attract companies to excavate those oil reserves. Minister Fowzy had further said tender forms for the relevant excavations too would be presented to the companies at the same time. He had further said issuing of tender applications would be closed by December and by April 2008, 3 companies would be selected for excavations after scrutinizing the received tender applications.

The minister has also told that the sum of nearly US$450 million (More than Rs.5000 billion) required as expenses for the mobile exhibitions to be held in London, Houston and Kuala Lumpur is conferred by 'Fugro', a foreign company.
It is our belief that US$450 million required for the mobile exhibitions is given by 'Fugro', a company in the USA, not as a loan. Our investigations have shown that 'Fugro' is a company of auctioneers in Now York. If the US$450 million is given by this company not as a loan what it means is that they have an unholy intention behind their offer. It is only a little child who would not know that the company's intention is not only to 'lick fingertips'.
When a country, which possesses oil and natural gas resources, needs to hold mobile exhibitions to attract foreign companies to explore such resources, it has to be either through necessity or to pave the way for someone to squander a large amount of money. It is for the very reason that there are larger resources of oil and gas in the sea around Sri Lanka than what we have been made to believe that more than 200 companies, including several companies that are involved in large scale exploration of oil and gas, have responded to the bid for tenders by the government; not because those mobile exhibitions are held.

According to the tender forms distributed among these companies the agreement for the exploration of oil and gas that has been prepared is disadvantageous to Sri Lanka so that the country which owns the resources receives only a royalty of 10% which is a very minimal amount. The large portion goes to foreign companies. Even those countries that are desolate and have signed very disadvantageous agreements have not come down to this level. The formulation of agreements and preparation of data has been handed over to 'Fugro' the foreign company, a company which has got involved in oil explorations in Ethiopia, Madagascar etc. It is an agreement prepared by such a company that decides the destiny of the petroleum resources in Sri Lanka.

It is evident that doors are being opened to various companies to plunder the oil and gas resources we possess which is the most valuable and principal resource that has the capacity to develop Sri Lanka. This is more evident when we consider those individuals who participated and what occurred at the international summit on marine oil resources held in Houston in the USA on the 1st of May this year.

According to information revealed already by certain reports those who represented Sri Lanka at the relevant summit were Minister A.H.M. Fauzy, USA Ambassador Robert O. Blake and an economical assassin Neil de Silva, the self appointed Director General for petroleum development and has come here from Canada for the purpose of paving way for the plunder of oil reserves in Sri Lanka and Kew Gomes, Chief Executive of Caltex Sri Lanka (Devron). What is the purpose of American Ambassador participating in such a summit representing Sri Lanka? Why should the chief executive of Devron or Caltex Sri Lanka participate in that summit?

Furthermore, during the summit Joel Haz, senior policy Advisor of the American State Department has participated in a workshop held at rooms 201/201/203 in Lion Centre and also made the welcome address as well as the concluding speech of the workshop. What this implies is that the red carpet is being laid for the oil hungry western imperialism to plunder oil and gas resources that belong to Sri Lanka.

Colombo Dockyard Ltd has already received an order for building oil derrick steering crafts, at a scale unprecedented in this region. It is evident that Colombo dockyard would never receive such an order if there wasn't oil in large quantity. Norway attired itself with the garment of peace envoy only after it attired itself with the garment of explorer for petroleum data. The fact that more than 200 companies have expressed their desire to explore for oil in Gulf of Mannar indicates the vastness of oil and gas reserves in the ocean area belonging to Sri Lanka. Isn't it for this purpose that a proposal was included in Ranil Wickremasinghe' s destructive neo-colonialist programme of 'Regaining Sri Lanka' to build Asia's biggest refinery in an economic zone created by merging Monaragala and Hambantota Districts? Is it for nothing that certain private companies in Sri Lanka have already got ready for joint explorations with Norway? Doesn't all this indicate that Sri Lanka possesses very large reserves of oil and natural gas? If not will the USA, at a time when it declines to finance any programme, make available US$65 million to establish an institute to manage oil related trade?

We have a sea bed area that is more than twenty times of Sri Lanka's land area. In that context Sri Lanka is an ocean state. Our country is situated in the world's oil belt. As it lies along the oil belt from the Middle East to Indonesia and also for certain significant geographical reasons there may be large reserves of oil and gas not only in the ocean bed but also within the country. The government of Sri Lanka has already stated that in reserves in Gulf of Mannar alone there are more than a billion barrels of oil. When compared with our daily consumption of oil this reserve would last us for 20 years.
At the moment neighbouring India produces 30% of its oil needs. In an oil well at Cauvery Basin , very close to Sri Lanka India produces 75000 barrels of oil for a day. A large area in Cauvery Basin belongs to Sri Lanka. Also, it is no secret that most of the countries in this 'oil belt' own oil and natural gas resources. Eastern Timor was separated from Indonesia mainly to plunder the oil resources in EasternTimor, It is evident that the western world is shedding crocodile tears regarding military rule in Burma not to wipe the tears off the masses but to plunder the oil resources in that country. Hence, owning of large quantities of oil and natural gas and the strategic location of the country are reasons enough for imperialist countries to have Sri Lanka in their grasp. As such, it is apparent that there is a serious threat to the destiny of the whole of Sri Lanka and on the manner we manage our oil and gas resources the victory or the destruction of Sri Lankan Nation would largely depend on.

The daily requirement of petroleum in Sri Lanka is hundred thousand barrels. Our refinery supplies between 50000 to 55000 barrels a day and the rest of the requirement is imported spending more than Rs.100 billion per day as foreign exchange. It is for this reason that international economic reports have placed Sri Lanka in the 5th position of Asian countries that are bound to face destruction as a result of spiraling fuel prices. According to accepted reports our fuel requirements go up in about 10% annually.

If we are able to tap our oil resources and produce our daily requirement at a maximum cost of US$15 a barrel, we would be able to save US$80 billion of foreign exchange per day. However, expert reports have shown that oil could be produced in Cauvery and Mannar for less than US$5 per barrel. If so the money that we save would be much higher. Accordingly, it is evident that we could save more than US$30000 million for a year. It is more than the money we spend for the war and the amounts we get as loans annually. Hence, it is evident that it is only on this oil and gas resources we possess that we could come out of the political and economic bondage that we are placed today. We have come to this inference without even considering the large profits we would get if we enter the petroleum byproduct industry which has a very high demand internationally. When considering the escalating demand for oil in countries like China and India and the rising prices of oil internationally it is no secret that we have the measures to develop this sector. On the other hand, when compared with many other countries, the scope to utilize the educated human resources of our country in the development of petroleum industry is higher. We could use all these advantages if we could correctly manage the oil and natural gas resources.
Can we silently watch such a resource being allowed to be managed and plundered by international companies? How many countries are there that have been ruined and divided after allowing plundering companies of western countries to control their oil resources? Isn't it to plunder oil and other minerals that a large number of African counties were divided by the imperialists? Don't we have to think of the unborn future generations of the country, who really are the inheritors of these resources, when we take decisions regarding these oil and gas resources? However, what is in motion at present is not a process that care about such responsibilites.
The decisions regarding the oil and gas resources are being taken secretly in this country today. Has the President seen the data regarding oil and natural gas resources in Sri Lanka? This data is in a special computer that belongs to a company called Fugro. Cannot Neil de Silva, the suspicious character and self-styled 'Director General of Petroleum Resources' who has suddenly emerged from a foreign country be the economic assassin who has come to pave the way for companies of western countries to plunder these resources? Can there be bigger idiots than us if we allow such people and Minister Fouzy to take decisions regarding these resources on which our happiness or sorrow would depend?

The minister or Neil de Silva or the President has no right to take arbitrary decisions regarding these resources. These resources belong to the whole Nation. Hence, decisions regarding it should be taken in a very transparent manner; with the participation of all responsible parties. Sri Lankan expatriates with expert knowledge in this field or our scientists, whether retired or still in service, could be consulted. The agreements should not be prepared according to whims and fancies of a company like 'Fugro.' If we make blunders in coming to agreements or making decisions there is every possibility that they could not be corrected. It is evident the process that is being carried out now is one that allows western countries and their companies plunder the most valuable oil and gas resources that belong not only to us but also to the unborn next generation of our country. Hence, we call upon the President and the government to stop the process that allows a few individuals to acquire their booty immediately. We also demand that the process of taking decision on the oil and natural gas resources be handed over to a special Parliamentary Committee. We call upon the authorities to get our own scientists who love our country to prepare a strategic plan and make it the national charter; open up institutes to train our human resources in the relevant field and to refrain from taking hasty decisions as if selling peanuts.

We also call upon the people in this country to treat this most valuable wealth that belongs to our Motherland as your own, consider allowing it to be plundered by anyone as allowing your and your off springs future to be plundered. Hence, you should consider the correct management of oil and natural gas reserves as your absolute right. We also call upon the masses to rally to defend that right.

Let's not allow anyone to make this wealth that brings dignity and prosperity to the Nation one that would bring destruction and misery instead. Let's not allow imperialist countries that have already directly or indirectly banded together with separatist tiger terrorists to plunder our oil and gas resources. The legitimate children of Mother Lanka would never keep quite when anyone tries to make Sri Lanka another Nigeria, Sudan or Ethiopia. Let's make defending our oil and gas resources and our Motherland the only condition of our lives. We call upon this government not to ignore this and come to idiotic decisions that are hostile to the country.

Friday, November 09, 2007

New recruitments to the Engineering service

It has been decided that 139 new Engineers have been recruited to the Sri Lanka Engineering Service by the Government, following a proposal made by the Minister of Public Administration and Home Affairs, Karu Jayasuriya. The decision was prompted by the shortage of engineers for various development projects that have been launched at district and divisional secretariat level.

According to the Ministerial sources, these engineers will be placed in the various accelerated development projects which commenced following the launch of the Negenahira Navodaya-Eastern Development project.

World Class Sri Lankan businessman honoured in USA

Susantha Sisilchandra, a Sri Lankan Entrepreneur, received "the Exceptional Performance by a Young Professional" award at the 5th Annual SLF Awards Ceremony held in Los Angeles, California, recently under the patronage of Hon. Jaliya Wickramsuriya, Sri Lankan Consul General in Los Angeles.

Mr. Sisilchandra is the founder and CEO/President of Ceyhinz Link International, Inc., and his US-based company with 100% Sri Lankan made products is now generating millions of dollars annually.

His business venture includes introducing Sri Lankan made coir substrate to greenhouses and nurseries in North America and 30 countries across the globe, spanning six continents. Since the inception of Ceyhinz Link, Mr. Sisilchandra has managed to acquire world’s top greenhouses over a short period of time.

He has also introduced coir fibre based Sri Lankan made ecological restoration products for North America and many other countries. His products are mainly used by the US Army Engineering (Corp) and US National Guard projects in many states in the USA.

Remarks by Ambassador Robert Blake at the Innaugeration of the Bribery Commission Office, Colombo

Attorney General de Silva, Chairman Ismail, Director General Ranasinghe, Mr. Withanachchi, Mr. Harold, and Mr. Weliamuna, thank you for coming today to inaugurate the newly renovated Bribery Commission. It is an honor for me to be here to demonstrate the support of the United States for this vital Sri Lankan Government body.

One of the U.S. Government’s key priorities in Sri Lanka is to support institutions that improve public service provision and accountability to the public. The Bribery Commission is one such institution.

The renovation of the Bribery Commission library and auditorium will give case investigation officers and researchers improved tools and environments in which to provide faster and better service to the public when handling complaints about bribery and corruption.

The cost of corruption is difficult to quantify, but there is little doubt that it has dramatically negative economic and political consequences. Corruption damages economic development and reform, impedes the ability of countries to attract foreign investment, hinders the growth of democratic institutions, and concentrates power in the hands of a few.

A recent Sri Lankan study indicated that Sri Lanka’s GDP would have grown by at least two percentage points in 2006 had government corruption been prevented. The best way to combat corruption is for a government, any government, to be open and transparent.

For the past 18 months, the U.S. and Sri Lanka have been working together to develop strategies to fight corruption. The Sri Lanka Anti-Corruption program was created by the U.S. Agency for International Development after the tsunami, and was designed to help minimize corruption in the distribution of post-tsunami assistance.

In addition to the renovation work for he Bribery Commission, USAID supported the publication of this children’s book about corruption [hold up book], written by Sri Lanka’s own Sybil Wetthasinghe. We hope that this little publication will raise public awareness and understanding about the negative impact of corruption on Sri Lankan society and contribute to an environment in which corruption is openly discussed and addressed. By focusing on children, we hope the book will inculcate in Sri Lanka’s next generation a strong aversion to corruption.

I’d like to thank our implementing partner Transparency International for all their good work on behalf of this project, and offer them our heartiest encouragement for continued success in their five-year strategy to combat public corruption in Sri Lanka, and our ongoing support wherever possible.

I also want to thank Attorney General de Silva for coming. Your presence here demonstrates the Government of Sri Lanka’s commitment to combating public corruption.

Finally, I’d like to commend the Bribery Commission, particularly Chairman Ismail, for the good work the Commission has done since its establishment in 1994. While there are always many opportunities for improving the environment to make it free from corruption, during its short existence, the Bribery Commission has become a deterrent to corruption and has lead the way in the Government to help restore public trust in government institutions.

Thank you.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

IT Organizations: Operating in a world of constant change

The nature of business today is that change is the only constant. Organizations, be they public or private entities, are faced with change as a result of reorganization, business expansion, competition, the impact of new technology, mergers and acquisitions, industry or government regulatory controls and a myriad of other factors.

The reality is that any change that affects an organization will have a flow-on effect to the IT organization.

One can say that an organization’s ability to adapt to change is directly related to its IT system’s ability to adapt to those changes. There are many examples of organizations that have suffered considerable harm to their reputations and market values through IT disasters that resulted from poorly implemented systems, and upgrades that went wrong.

From the release of the first commercially available relational database system in 1979, to support for Very Large Database (VLDB) requirements in the late 1990s, to databases for grid computing environments in recent years -- the last 30 years have seen many important innovations with new server architectures emerging to support mission critical systems.

In the past, customers had fewer choices in server architectures as symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) servers were almost the de-facto standard for UNIX-based applications. Today however, we witness the emergence of architectures such as blade servers, clutered servers and new operating systems such as Linux.

Back then, moving from one vendor’s SMP server to another was relatively simple as benchmarks could be conducted to ensure that the new server would deliver the required performance.

Today, customers looking to migrate from a UNIX SMP architecture to a Linux architecture based on blade servers are faced with a significantly more complex task. The potential for errors is higher and this can lead to decisions that bring on disastrous results.

Data centres have changed fundamentally in the way they look and operate with the introduction of grid computing. From silos of disparate resources to shared pools of servers and storage, organizations cluster low-cost commodity servers and modular storage arrays in a grid.

President pays tribute to our war heroes

Paying a tribute to the success of the Sri Lanka Military Forces President Mahinda Rajapaksa said that he is grateful to them profoundly and consider them as the most disciplined Force in the world.

President Rajapaksa made this assertion at Seenimodera in Tangalle in handing over the Rana Setha Rana Viru Housing Complex consisting of 88 housing units to families of disabled Rana Viru (War Heroes) who had sacrificed their lives and limbs to protect the territorial integrity and the sovereignty of their Motherland.

“They are fighting with commitment to salvage the country from the grip of ruthless terrorism. They are dedicated towards an ultimate victory.” he added.

The President said that our War Heroes are fighting for a cause, with a vision and a mission.

He pointed out that there was an era when the youth of the country shunned a way from joining the Forces. The tide has changed now their yearning and very keen to join the forces. This shows their patriotism and dedication to the cause of the country.

A suicidal terrorist could re-appear anywhere, anytime. There could be ad-hoc and isolated bomb blasts and steps taken to strengthen the security of the people. This ought to be expected. However the Forces’ Chiefs, Defence Secretary or the Government are not prepared to resign as demanded by the Opposition,” he said. More >>

Sri Lanka’s rank improved in global competitiveness

The Global Competitiveness Report reveals that Sri Lanka’s rank has improved where the global competitiveness is concerned registering the 70th position out of 131 countries.

“Last year Sri Lanka was ranked 81 out of the 122 countries. This is a good indication that Sri Lanka is becoming competitive in the global arena,” the Chief Economist in the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) Gayathri Gunaruwan said at a seminar. The event was organised by the CCC on the topic `How Competitive is Sri Lanka for Business’.

Gunaruwan said that in the World Economic forum it takes two indices on Global Competitiveness and Business Competitiveness. She emphasized on the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), which look at macro and micro economic aspects calculated on 100 variables.

According to her GCI looks into 12 main areas in measuring the country’s competitiveness globally and Sri Lanka has done better in certain sectors compared to last year.

The areas that have been taken into consideration were innovation, business sophistication, market size, technological readiness, finance market sophistication, labor market efficacy and good market efficiency.

LTTE terror leader Thamilchelvan and 05 others killed in SLAF air raid

Citing Wanni based LTTE sources; pro-LTTE media confirm the death of LTTE's so-called, Political chief Thamilchelvan (43), following a pin-point air raid carried out by SLAF fighter jets, at Thuruaiaru in Iranamadu around 6 this morning (November 2).

The other high profile terrorists killed in the air raid were identified as Anpumani (Alex), Mikuthan, Neathaji, Aadchiveal and Vaakaikkumaran.

According to informed sources, self styled Lt. Colonel Anupumani alias Alex was the chief of LTTE's "strategic communication division". He was the person in charge of handling all communication activities between LTTE leader V. Prabhakaran and the other international terrorist agents.

The SLAF air sorties were carried out following extensive air surveillance and on real-time ground information, military sources earlier reported.

The pro-LTTE media said that, LTTE has conferred its highest military rank, "Brigadier", to its Political chief Thamilchelvan.

Defence observers say that this achievement came about due to the synergy achieved through excellent coordination between the military intelligence and the air arm.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

President promises political solution soon

The government will soon bring about a political solution through the APRC, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday. He said history had proved that the ethnic conflict could not be solved by terrorism.

Delivering the keynote address at the first convocation of Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, at the BMICH, the President said that the commitment of the government to bring lasting peace to the country was neither capricious nor wayward.

“Our aim is to achieve lasting peace without giving ransom to terrorists. The people of the country must realise that we do not have narrow political objectives or agendas,” he said at the colourful and dignified ceremony.

The armed forces have to adapt to the tactics of internationalized warfare as our forces are fighting against a globalised terrorism.

That is why our officers require university education that trains them in the latest war strategies, intelligence and warfare, he said.

Ceylon Teachers' Union says they did not drop the fight

Ceylon Teachers' Union (CTU), a leading independent teachers' union of the five trade union coalition that spearheaded the campaign against the salary anomalies, says that they do not agree with the three trade unions that consented to suspend the two-day strike that was scheduled for 29 and 30 October.

The Chairman of the CTU Joseph Stalin Fernando says that the government was saying that the salary anomalies will be removed by December 31 even before the teachers’ unions led the boycott of evaluation of G.C.E. (Advanced Level) examination. He asked from the trade unions that decided to suspend the trade union action, why they decided to strike for two days if they had a guarantee that the government would remove salary anomalies as they said.

Fernando further said that the CTU could not be cheated with false pledges and the union would continue the struggle to remove the salary anomalies until the mission is accomplished.

Give up violence, LTTE urged

ondemning the LTTE attack on the Anuradhapura airbase, Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) leader V. Anandasangaree has urged the militant leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, to give up violence and come to the negotiating table.

In an open letter addressed to Prabhakaran, Mr. Anandasangree charged him with pursuing an elusive goal of Eelam to “safeguard” his prestige and said even now, it was not too late for the LTTE leader to settle for a reasonable solution to the ethnic conflict.

Mr. Anandasangaree said he would have hailed Mr. Prabhakaran as a brave man if all the 22 persons, including the 21-member suicide squad posing with him before the attack, in the photograph that appeared in the local papers with him in the centre, had died.

Sri Lanka's bribery commission powerful but seen ineffective

Sri Lanka's bribery and corruption commission has vast powers to probe official misdeeds but cannot act except on a complaint and has its impartiality questioned by the presence of police investigators.

Although commission officials say it is one of the most flexible and authoritative bodies compared to similar departments around the world, it is widely seen as being ineffective in curbing corruption rampant in state service.

"In our commission, we have all the powers. The power to investigate, file legal action, take persons into custody and also to manage legal proceedings," commission official Neville Guruge, a senior police superintendent, told reporters on Tuesday.

The main reason for such flexibility is the inclusion of chosen police officials as investigators of bribery and corruption, he said.

Compared to some 31 such departments or commissions around the world, Sri Lanka is the only commission with police officials working as investigators.

However, Guruge acknowledged that the inclusion of police officers and the absence of independent investigating officials have raised questions about the impartiality of the commission.

China, Sri Lanka sign loan pact on port project

The Sri Lankan government and China's Exim Bank Tuesday signed a financial agreement to fund the Hambantota harbor project in Sri Lanka's deep south.

According to the agreement signed by the two parties, China's Exim Bank will provide an export buyer's credit of 360 million U.S. dollars for the project in Hambantota, about 240 km southeast of Colombo.

Li Ruogu, chairman of China's Exim Bank, and P. B. Jayasundara, secretary to Sri Lanka's Finance Ministry, signed the agreement on behalf of the two sides.

Li said his bank was very happy to support one of Sri Lanka's largest development projects and he hoped the project a success.

The primary objective of the Hambantota project is to synchronize different aspects of development such as shipping, trans-shipment, shipbuilding, and catering to increase exports and imports, for which the Port of Colombo does not have enough space and facilities.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

ri Lanka government suspends five radio channels over false news report

Sri Lanka Government Information Department today canceled the broadcasting license of five private radio channels of Asia Broadcasting Ltd. today for creating pandemonium by transmitting a false news item on a terrorist attack on a village in the deep south.

The suspended radio channels are Hiru FM, Sha FM, Gold FM, Suriyan FM and Sun FM. A false news report broadcasted by the radio channels of the ABC Ltd. over an attack by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam (LTTE) cadres at Ranminithenna area in Tissamaharamaya in Hambanthota district of Sri Lanka created great panic among the residents.

The company is accused of broadcasting news on this without confirming the facts and spreading the hysteria all over the country.

However, a journalist of the radio station said that the channels immediately corrected the news and apologized.

The said radio network reportedly belongs to a business person whose brother is a leading young politician of the opposition United National Party.

Sri Lanka seeks Pak investment

Qamar Zaman Gill, Acting President FPCCI said that Pakistan and Sri Lanka have great potential to expand their trade relations which has been supplemented by the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the two countries.

During a meeting with V S Sidath Kumar, Consul General of Sri Lanka at Federation House, Karachi, Gill said that presently the trade volume is in favour of Pakistan which is likely to be little balanced through FTA.

While briefing the consul general about the activities of FPCCI, he suggested for aggressive marketing of Sri Lankan commodities in Pakistan particularly tea and service sectors particularly medical hospitals, tourism and education.

He said that Pakistan and Sri Lanka complement each other in various sectors particularly in tourism, pharmaceutical, readymade garments etc while Sri Lanka is a potential market for Pakistani rice, fruits, leather, surgical and sports goods etc.

The consul general said that presently Sri Lanka had been importing textile from India and Pakistan for value addition in the form of readymade garments which were being exported to European countries under GSP Plus scheme.

Sri Lankans use IT to beat poverty

Sri Lanka - In a north-central village, deep inside Sri Lanka's backwoods, a young man is glued to a computer screen, pushing a mouse and filling in figures.

Isuru Senevirathna is entering data at Sri Lanka's first business processing outsourcing (BPO) company set up in a village, and probably among the first in the world that is surrounded by tall trees, bird calls, paddy fields and streams.

"It's nice to be able to do a job like this," the 20-year-old youth,operations director of OnTime Pvt. Ltd, told Inter Press Service.

BPO is a growing IT business which Sri Lanka embraced with relish. Dozens of companies are now springing up in Colombo as many of the world's best Western corporations look for cost-effective ways to handle their back-office operations in countries where labor and communications are cheaper.

But OnTime's setting, next to a wildlife park, and subject to the occasional threat by Tamil Tiger guerrillas, makes it unique. Mahavilachchiya lies 250 kilometers north of Colombo and the fact that it is close to the ancient town of Anuradhapura is an added feature.More >>

Hampshire helpers prepare for Sri Lanka

TWO carers from The Old Parsonage Brendoncare Home in Otterbourne and a colleague from Winchester will travel to Sri Lanka next September to help the needy.

They will be working at the Pydiagama Home for Destitute Men and also raising money for Brendoncare, the Winchester-based care charity for older people, during their two-week stay.

Brendoncare's volunteering manager, Julie Lamont, from Lockerley, and carers Marilyn Medrano from Chandler's Ford and Nichola Bryant from Bursledon are part of a 10-strong Brendoncare team. More >>

More locomotives for Sri Lanka Railway

Sri Lanka Railway Department General Manager Lalithasiri Gunaruwan says that discussions are underway to purchase 20 power sets from India under a credit line.

India has also pledged a concessionary loan facility to improve the Southern railway line under tsunami reconstruction.

The Indian power sets are in addition to the 15 power sets ordered from China that is to arrive in Colombo in mid 2008. Twenty-five carriages of a 75 batch ordered from China arrived last month and the rest is to arrive in the county by the end of this year.

Railway Department is considering importing three engines to transport Ceylon Petroleum Corporation fuel tankers and two more engines for repair work.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sri Lanka's major opposition collecting signatures for a petition to safeguard free education

Sri Lanka's major opposition United National Party (UNP) launched a week long petition campaign to raise a million signatures today from Kurunegala.

The petition is to be handed over to Speaker W.J.M. Lokubandara urging him to take up the issue of deterioration of free education in the country at the parliament.

The signature collection will be conducted at electorate level in public, private and religious institutes including schools and tuition centers, said a UNP spokesman.

Addressing a press briefing in this regard, UNP’s National Education Services Union Chairman, Moneragala district Parliamentarian Ranjith Madduma Bandara said that free education introduced by C.W.W. Kannangara was in jeopardy today. He pointed out that the government did not do anything concrete to resolve the Grade 1 admission issue.

Terrorism will be fought to the end – President mahinda Rajapaksa

President Mahinda Rajapaksa categorically stated that while trying to find a negotiated political solution so that all the communities could live in harmony, his government will not tolerate terrorism and it would be fought until total elimination.
Participating in the live television question and answer session ‘Janapathi Jana Hamuwa’ at Temple Trees last night, he said that the country managed to achieve a substantial growth rate and provide additional employment to more than hundred thousand youth which fighting terrorists and facing the adverse impact of global price hike of oil, milk powder and other items.

He pointed out that despite the expenditure for national security and rising fuel costs the Government would not set aside development. He was of the view that priority had to be given to development in all areas, through local and foreign investments.

The Government’s newly launched food drive and Gama Neguma and Maga Neguma programmes would spur rural development.

Sri Lanka to bring in political package by year end

The Sri Lankan government is to bring in its political package by the end of the year as means to end the island's ethnic separatist conflict, a top official said Sunday.

Palitha Kohona, the foreign secretary, told reporters that the government is mindful on the need to address the concerns of the island's minorities, particularly the Tamil community.

"The Sri Lankan government is of the view that this sort of problem (conflict with the Tiger rebels) cannot be resolved by military means alone," Kohona said.

"The political proposals through the all political party process are expected by December," Dr Kohona said.

The foreign secretary in commenting on the 3-day international counter terrorism conference held here from Thursday said that the world stands united against terrorism but still an implementation mechanism for all UN conventions against terrorism may still be needed.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

U.S. funds program to combat human trafficking in Sri Lanka

The U.S. State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development are funding a $500,000 program to help train Sri Lankan government officials to combat human trafficking in Sri Lanka. The program will be implemented by the International Organization on Migration (IOM).

At a press conference yesterday U.S. Ambassador Robert Blake announced that a recent U. S. State Department report found Sri Lanka to be a country of source and origin for men, women and children trafficked for domestic labor and sexual exploitation.

While commending the Sri Lankan government for amending its penal code last year to criminalize trafficking Blake said that Sri Lanka needs a better trained network of law enforcement professionals to establish legal grounds to identify and prosecute the traffickers.

First state-of-the-art Fabric Park opens in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa will declare open the MAS Holdings' first state-of-the-art, privately owned industrial fabric park, the MAS Fabric Park at Thulhiriya in the Northwestern Province of Sri Lanka today.

The previously state owned Thulhiriya textile mill was later sold to a Korean company that later suspended operations and the investors fled the country.

The government paid compensations to the workers and the factory was auctioned to a private company. In July 2006 the government signed an agreement with the MAS Holdings to redevelop the textile mill and revive it as a textile industrial zone with international standards at a cost of US $100 million.

HR mechanism in place - President

The Government has created a mechanism to ensure the implementation of human rights, President Mahinda Rajapaksa declared yesterday.

Participating in the live question and answer session Janapathi Jana Hamuwa at Temple Trees, President Rajapaksa said this was the first time that a Government has implemented such a mechanism.

The President said the Government had nothing to hide on the human rights front and has established a Human Rights Ministry to prove its commitment.

He recalled his campaigns against human rights violations in the past, saying he was highly sensitive about any rights violations.

The Government has succeeded in reducing alleged abductions to a great extent and taken action against several persons involved in such acts.

Sri Lanka to conduct more seismic surveys to explore oil

Sri Lanka has decided to conduct two dimensional seismic surveys to test the availability of petroleum and Natural gas deposits in the South Western, Southern, South Eastern and Eastern offshore areas.

The Cabinet granted its approval on Wednesday to a Memorandum submitted by Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Development Minister A.H.M. Fowzie to conduct a two dimensional seismic survey costing US$ 6.5 million to ascertain whether petroleum and natural gas deposits occur in those areas.

The Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat (PRDS) has submitted a proposal for conducting a two dimensional survey and this was approved by the Petroleum Development Committee. The total estimated length for carrying out the survey is about 2,500 kilometers.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Srilakvahini - LBN Satellite tie-up for better choice

Srilakvahini Satellite has teamed up with LBN Satellite to give their customers better choice of channels. Srilakvahini which started just ten months ago has covered most of the country, Srilakvahini's Director Jayathisha Tennakoon said.

Srilakvahini has been a satellite provider to more than 140 countries and now it expands to Australia due to the high demand in the country. Srilakvahini is a Sri Lankan channel, also produced by Sri Lankans. Srilakvahini is presently connected through Thai com satellite which gives them a chance to communicate throughout the world. Srilakvahini has joined hands with LBN so that all Sri Lankans also could enjoy this channel.

'Our main objective is to make all Sri Lankans in other countries feel at home by joining Srilakvahini,' Srilakvahini Director Rohan Pieries said. He also said that it's a pride for them as their staff members are all Sri Lankan citizens. They have a range of programmes for every person to enjoy.

They do not charge monthly rentals as it is a free channel. Srilakvahini has one of the largest coverage from Sri Lanka to the world. They have covered many countries such as, Asia, Europe, Middle-East, African countries, Russian Federation and Australia.

They hope to expand their channel throughout the world and extend channel hours, to 24 hours.

Lankan jumbo to Armenia

Sri Lanka will donate a she elephant to Armenia in response to a request by the Armenian Government to consolidate bilateral friendly relations between the two countries.

The Cabinet has approved a memorandum submitted in this connection, the Government Information Department said.

Director General National Zoological Gardens H. Dissanayake said accordingly a nine-year-old she elephant named 'Asokamala' from the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage will be sent to Armenia shortly.

He said as a reciprocal gesture Armenia has pledged to offer further training to Sri Lankan veterinary surgeons and gift a set of its endemic animals to Sri Lanka.

Heathrow shaken by plane collision

British aviation authorities are investigating a freak accident in which a SriLankan Airlines A340 collided with a British Airways 747 at Heathrow on Monday night. The Sri Lankan Airbus was bound for Maldives while the BA Boeing was heading to Singapore.

"We turned our wing, almost hit what looked like the tail end of the British Airways flight, and we ended up chopping off a bit of wing ... It cut through it like butter," said journalist Annasofie Flamand, 32, who was on the Sri Lankan Airlines flight UL502.

"It's pretty incredible to see something like that in a place like Heathrow Airport. " Thank God it was on the ground and not in the air." Witnesses reported seeing part of the engine of a British Airways jumbo jet aircraft, Flight BA011, falling onto the runway when it collided with the tip of the wing of the Sri Lankan Airlines plane.

No one has been injured in the incident which occurred around 10.20 p.m. at the busiest airport in Europe.

Both aircraft suffered damage and repairs are expected to take several weeks. The incident comes as Heathrow airport faces growing criticism for long delays and congestion. Each year more than 64 million passengers pass through Heathrow and there are about 450,000 landings and take-offs.

Passengers were reported to be very shaken and distressed but were being told by their pilots that there was no need to panic.

During one recent incident the airport's northern runway was blocked for more than 90 minutes after a Royal Brunei flight made an emergency landing. A BA spokesman described the incident as a "minor collision", and added that an investigation had been launched. "Our aircraft had a minor collision with another aircraft on the taxiways," the BA spokesman said.

"Engineers are inspecting the aircraft to ascertain the damage. The passengers have been offloaded and returned to the terminal building. SriLankan Airlines said it was arranging to accommodate its 286 passengers and 11 crew in hotels.

"What we know is that the plane clipped the wings of another aircraft while lining up for take off," a SriLankan spokesman said. "We understand it is a minor incident, but are awaiting a full report."