Wednesday, May 21, 2008
No nation should be ever forced to negotiate with terrorists - US President
US President George W. Bush recently made some valuable comments on terrorism and extremism and the way the world should treat the nations that are threatened by them. Addressing the Israeli Knesset at celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of Israel, the US President expressed his country's belief that the right of nations to defend themselves against terrorism and extremism must not be overridden by whatever sacrifices need to be made for peace. He then appreciated the courageous decisions made by Israeli leaders to build peace as well as to eliminate terrorism and said that no nation should be forced to negotiate with terrorists. More details
Terrorist chief Balraj dies in a heart attack
Pro LTTE websites today said a senior terrorist leader known as Balraj had died in a heart attack at an LTTE base in Wanni on Tuesday (May 20). Balraj said to be the first leader of the terrorist band named after the son of LTTE leader V. Prabhakaran - "The Charles Anthony Brigade".
Balraj being a founding member of the LTTE was an accomplice in many civilian massacres carried out by the LTTE. According to the Pro terror websites, Balraj has been given self styled rank of "Brigadier:" by the LTTE leadership.
LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit that has been fighting a bloody war against the citizen of Sri Lanka since 1983. Inspired by the tribal ideologies of its megalomaniac leader V. Prbhakaran, the outfit's main cause is to create a mono ethnic separate homeland for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. The LTTE is also blacklisted under the UN list of shame for using child soldiers in combat.
Balraj being a founding member of the LTTE was an accomplice in many civilian massacres carried out by the LTTE. According to the Pro terror websites, Balraj has been given self styled rank of "Brigadier:" by the LTTE leadership.
LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit that has been fighting a bloody war against the citizen of Sri Lanka since 1983. Inspired by the tribal ideologies of its megalomaniac leader V. Prbhakaran, the outfit's main cause is to create a mono ethnic separate homeland for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. The LTTE is also blacklisted under the UN list of shame for using child soldiers in combat.
Monday, May 19, 2008
President's Vesak Message

It is with much devotion and faith that I join all Sri Lankan Buddhists in celebrating the Great Vesak Festival.
We know that the greatest homage we could pay to the Buddha is to live the Vesak season according to the teachings of the Buddha.
The Buddha showed us that advancement in this world and the next could be achieved by appreciating what is good. The policy of the government is to steer the country to the correct path by adhering to the dhamma. In doing so our responsibility is to tolerate other opinions and act with loving kindness. As the Buddha has taught:
"Be alert; do not idle. Follow the law of virtue. He who is virtuous lives happily both in this world and the next" - Dhammapada. Ch. 13. v.168
Let us stop being indifferent and speaking ill of the past. We should brook no delay in working to build a virtuous land.
Our hope is to bequeath a prosperous country that is without armaments and fear of enemies and robbers; a country in which all could live in tranquility. Our resolve on this Vesak Day is to work with a correct vision in keeping with the dhamma. This will see the fruition of our actions to build a new Sri Lanka.
Let us resolve make this Vesak Festival meaningful by seeking refuge in the serene path of Buddha.
May you all obtain refuge in the Buddha!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The tsunami in Sri Lanka: A case study in US humanitarian missions
Since the cyclone engulfed Burma on May 3, there has been an incessant campaign in the international media to push for foreign militaries, along with aid officials, to be allowed into the country. Article after article contrasts the paranoia, incompetence and callousness of the Burmese junta with the supposed willingness of the US and other major powers to generously provide humanitarian assistance.
The Burmese junta has clearly demonstrated once again its repressive methods and callous disregard for human life. But the claim that Washington and its allies are acting purely out of concern for the Burmese people is simply a lie. As in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration is pursuing its strategic and economic interests—in the case of Burma to undermine a regime that is allied to China, which the US regards as a potentially dangerous rising rival.
In making the case for an intervention in Burma, the media commentary frequently raises the 2004 tsunami, claiming that the international response, including the deployment of foreign militaries, was a model of efficiency and benevolence. Completely ignored is what actually took place in 2004, its political implications and the fate of the tens of thousands of survivors who are still struggling to survive in countries around the Bay of Bengal.
The case of Sri Lanka contains important lessons. After Indonesia, Sri Lanka was the country hardest hit by tsunami. According to official figures, at least 30,920 people died, 519,063 were displaced and 103,836 houses destroyed. The devastation was horrendous. Homes, schools, hospitals, road, rail lines, communications were all swept away. Whole villages disappeared. The survivors were left without shelter, food, clean water and medicine. Many, particularly fishermen, lost their livelihoods.
Burma is not alone in having an incompetent, repressive administration. For days the government of President Chandrika Kumaratunga did nothing, particularly in the East and North where a tense ceasefire was holding with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). It was above all ordinary working people, including those with skills such as doctors and nurses, who streamed out of Colombo and provided the first assistance to desperate survivors.
The reaction of the government was to deploy soldiers and troops and place the entire aid operation under military control, including the teams of volunteers. Their prime concern was not to help the survivors, who faced appalling conditions in squalid improvised refugee camps, but to suppress any opposition or protests at the government’s indifference and lack of aid. Above all, the way in which ordinary Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims had come together to assist each other, cut directly across the decades of anti-Tamil communalism on which the Colombo political establishment has rested.
It was in this context that the Bush administration dispatched the US military to Sri Lanka. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell did not so much ask as demand that marines be allowed into the south of the island. Even in ruling circles, eyebrows were raised at allowing American troops into the country for the first time. An editorial in the Daily Mirror openly questioned whether the military intervention had ulterior motives—to further US interests in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Kumaratunga quickly acquiesced, however. Three hundred marines landed in the south of the island and were deployed there and at Arugam Bay in the East. The aid operation was very limited. The soldiers helped clear debris, handed out some relief supplies, posed for the media and then pulled out several months later. Undoubtedly some survivors received assistance, but the overriding purpose of the US military presence was political.
The operation had a number of motives: to overcome decades of deep hostility among the Sri Lankan masses towards US imperialism and to set a precedent that is now being invoked in the case of Burma. But as the Socialist Equality Party warned, above all Washington was seeking to forge closer military ties, including with Sri Lanka, to pursue its economic and strategic ambitions throughout the broader region.
Sri Lanka’s strategic significance
That warning was confirmed. Sri Lanka’s main strategic significance is its position astride the main sea-lanes of the Indian Ocean, including the main route from the Middle East through the Malacca Strait to the Pacific. In particular, the deep-water port of Trincomalee on the eastern coast has been long been regarded as an important prize. After the 2002 ceasefire was signed with the LTTE, a high-level team from the US Pacific Command visited Sri Lanka to make a detailed study of Trincomalee harbour and assess the potential LTTE threats.
At that point, the Bush administration was still publicly supporting the so-called international peace process as the means for ending the island’s bitter 20-year civil war. Washington’s concern was not, however, with the devastation that the war had brought to Sri Lanka’s population, but rather that the conflict was a destabilising influence which threatened US interests in the region, particularly in India.
By December 2004, however, the peace process was already at the point of collapse. Peace negotiations had broken down in April 2003 and in early 2004 President Kumaratunga summarily dismissed the United National Front (UNF) government for “undermining national security”. In the background, the military and Sinhala extremist parties, such as the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)—a partner in Kumaratunga’s new government, were already pressing for a renewed war.
The US and other major powers used the catastrophe created by the tsunami to push for a joint mechanism between the government and the LTTE to distribute international aid. The proposal was regarded as the first step towards restarting peace negotiations. Kumaratunga tentatively embraced the suggestion, in part because of broad popular sentiment that the tsunami had demonstrated that all Sri Lankans were in the same boat and that the fratricidal war should be ended. However, the military high command and the JVP regarded the temporary aid body as an impermissible concession to the LTTE.
The tsunami was a convenient pretext for forging closer political and military ties with Washington. Powell visited Colombo in early January as part of his tour of affected countries. In April, Admiral William J. Fallon, then head of the US Pacific Command, visited Sri Lanka, met with government leaders and toured areas hit by the tsunami, including Trincomalee. In the same month, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Christina Rocca arrived in Sri Lanka to discuss the joint aid mechanism.
The Bush administration was clearly pursuing a two-pronged strategy—publicly pushing for peace talks, while privately holding top level discussions with the Sri Lankan military over possible war plans. Discussions over a joint aid administration dragged on for months. A conference of major aid donors on May 16-17 issued an ultimatum to Colombo to establish the body as the condition for a $US3 billion aid package.
Kumaratunga reluctantly established the Post-Tsunami Operations Management Structure (P-TOMS) with the LTTE, but it was a lame duck from the outset. The JVP withdrew from the government and successfully challenged the constitutionality of P-TOMS in the Supreme Court. At presidential elections in November 2005, the JVP backed the new candidate of Kumaratunga’s Sri Lanka Freedom Party—Mahinda Rajapakse—on a platform that scrapped P-TOMS completely and set the course for a renewed war.
Having narrowly won office, Rajapakse with the tacit backing of Washington immediately adopted a highly provocative stance towards the LTTE. In January 2006, the US ambassador in Colombo Jeffrey Lunstead signalled Washington’s support for a renewed war, demanding the LTTE accept the government’s terms for talks. “If the LTTE chooses to abandon peace,” Lunstead warned, “we want it to be clear, they will face a stronger, more capable and more determined Sri Lankan military. We want the cost of a return to war to be high.”
A covert war of provocation and murders erupted into open conflict in July 2006 when Rajapakse ordered the army to seize the LTTE-held area of Mavilaru in open breach of the 2002 ceasefire. This open act of aggression brought not a murmur of criticism from the US or the other sponsors of the “peace process”. Today the island is bogged down in a brutal civil war—with the US providing political and military support.
According to a report by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), direct commercial sales of defence materials to Sri Lanka increased from $US1.9 million in 2004, to $3.1 million in 2005 and $3.9 million in 2006. In return, the Rajapakse government quietly supports the Bush administration’s occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and last year signed an agreement to allow the US military to use the island for logistical support.
As for the victims of the tsunami, they have been completely forgotten. According to the government’s Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA), 6,718 families or more than 25,000 people were still living in appalling conditions in refugee camps in March—that is, more than three years after the tsunami. Most of the families—5,820—are in the North and East where the renewed fighting is taking place. Even in the district surrounding the capital of Colombo, there are 803 families in camps.
These official figures are undoubtedly an underestimate. Moreover, many more of the survivors, including those who have been re-housed, still face enormous economic difficulties. Many fishermen lost their livelihoods and were resettled away from the coastline. On the pretext of protecting the population, the government exploited the opportunity to clear away fishing villages to pave the way for luxury hotels and resorts.
The plight of these refugees speaks volumes. Hakeem from the eastern rural town of Marathumunai told the WSWS this week: “In our village 186 families were affected by tsunami. Hundreds were killed when the tsunami hit.” He said that no one in his village had a house. Many had no full time work and earned a little money as casual labourers. The central school at Maruthumunai has not been built.
The story is the same in the Western Province. An old abandoned government building in the Colombo suburb of Katubedda is where 56 families are currently living. The building is dilapidated. Each family has about 40 square metres partitioned off. Toilets overflow with effluent. Electricity has been cut off because the Disaster Management ministry has not paid the bill. None of the adults have a proper job.
A 19-year-old girl told the WSWS: “You ask about the situation in Burma. As we can’t watch television or have access to any other media we don’t know what’s going on there. I only know from you about the situation. It sounds somewhat similar. Throughout the world we see how ordinary people are hit by natural disasters and how the rulers treat them.”
The US marines have long since moved on, international tsunami aid to Sri Lanka has dried up and the government is diverting money from basic services into its renewed war. The story will undoubtedly be similar in Burma. The push to intervene in Burma is motivated by the economic and strategic interests of the major powers which are diametrically opposed to those of the majority of Burmese and will inevitably produce to new tragedies.
See Also:
A socialist and internationalist perspective to confront the Asian tsunami disaster
[9 February 2005]
Why the propaganda campaign for international intervention in Burma?
[10 May 2008]
A new Asian disaster: Cyclone kills tens of thousands in Burma
[7 May 2008]
Bush administration moves to exploit Burma cyclone disaster
[7 May 2008]
The Burmese junta has clearly demonstrated once again its repressive methods and callous disregard for human life. But the claim that Washington and its allies are acting purely out of concern for the Burmese people is simply a lie. As in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration is pursuing its strategic and economic interests—in the case of Burma to undermine a regime that is allied to China, which the US regards as a potentially dangerous rising rival.
In making the case for an intervention in Burma, the media commentary frequently raises the 2004 tsunami, claiming that the international response, including the deployment of foreign militaries, was a model of efficiency and benevolence. Completely ignored is what actually took place in 2004, its political implications and the fate of the tens of thousands of survivors who are still struggling to survive in countries around the Bay of Bengal.
The case of Sri Lanka contains important lessons. After Indonesia, Sri Lanka was the country hardest hit by tsunami. According to official figures, at least 30,920 people died, 519,063 were displaced and 103,836 houses destroyed. The devastation was horrendous. Homes, schools, hospitals, road, rail lines, communications were all swept away. Whole villages disappeared. The survivors were left without shelter, food, clean water and medicine. Many, particularly fishermen, lost their livelihoods.
Burma is not alone in having an incompetent, repressive administration. For days the government of President Chandrika Kumaratunga did nothing, particularly in the East and North where a tense ceasefire was holding with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). It was above all ordinary working people, including those with skills such as doctors and nurses, who streamed out of Colombo and provided the first assistance to desperate survivors.
The reaction of the government was to deploy soldiers and troops and place the entire aid operation under military control, including the teams of volunteers. Their prime concern was not to help the survivors, who faced appalling conditions in squalid improvised refugee camps, but to suppress any opposition or protests at the government’s indifference and lack of aid. Above all, the way in which ordinary Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims had come together to assist each other, cut directly across the decades of anti-Tamil communalism on which the Colombo political establishment has rested.
It was in this context that the Bush administration dispatched the US military to Sri Lanka. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell did not so much ask as demand that marines be allowed into the south of the island. Even in ruling circles, eyebrows were raised at allowing American troops into the country for the first time. An editorial in the Daily Mirror openly questioned whether the military intervention had ulterior motives—to further US interests in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Kumaratunga quickly acquiesced, however. Three hundred marines landed in the south of the island and were deployed there and at Arugam Bay in the East. The aid operation was very limited. The soldiers helped clear debris, handed out some relief supplies, posed for the media and then pulled out several months later. Undoubtedly some survivors received assistance, but the overriding purpose of the US military presence was political.
The operation had a number of motives: to overcome decades of deep hostility among the Sri Lankan masses towards US imperialism and to set a precedent that is now being invoked in the case of Burma. But as the Socialist Equality Party warned, above all Washington was seeking to forge closer military ties, including with Sri Lanka, to pursue its economic and strategic ambitions throughout the broader region.
Sri Lanka’s strategic significance
That warning was confirmed. Sri Lanka’s main strategic significance is its position astride the main sea-lanes of the Indian Ocean, including the main route from the Middle East through the Malacca Strait to the Pacific. In particular, the deep-water port of Trincomalee on the eastern coast has been long been regarded as an important prize. After the 2002 ceasefire was signed with the LTTE, a high-level team from the US Pacific Command visited Sri Lanka to make a detailed study of Trincomalee harbour and assess the potential LTTE threats.
At that point, the Bush administration was still publicly supporting the so-called international peace process as the means for ending the island’s bitter 20-year civil war. Washington’s concern was not, however, with the devastation that the war had brought to Sri Lanka’s population, but rather that the conflict was a destabilising influence which threatened US interests in the region, particularly in India.
By December 2004, however, the peace process was already at the point of collapse. Peace negotiations had broken down in April 2003 and in early 2004 President Kumaratunga summarily dismissed the United National Front (UNF) government for “undermining national security”. In the background, the military and Sinhala extremist parties, such as the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)—a partner in Kumaratunga’s new government, were already pressing for a renewed war.
The US and other major powers used the catastrophe created by the tsunami to push for a joint mechanism between the government and the LTTE to distribute international aid. The proposal was regarded as the first step towards restarting peace negotiations. Kumaratunga tentatively embraced the suggestion, in part because of broad popular sentiment that the tsunami had demonstrated that all Sri Lankans were in the same boat and that the fratricidal war should be ended. However, the military high command and the JVP regarded the temporary aid body as an impermissible concession to the LTTE.
The tsunami was a convenient pretext for forging closer political and military ties with Washington. Powell visited Colombo in early January as part of his tour of affected countries. In April, Admiral William J. Fallon, then head of the US Pacific Command, visited Sri Lanka, met with government leaders and toured areas hit by the tsunami, including Trincomalee. In the same month, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Christina Rocca arrived in Sri Lanka to discuss the joint aid mechanism.
The Bush administration was clearly pursuing a two-pronged strategy—publicly pushing for peace talks, while privately holding top level discussions with the Sri Lankan military over possible war plans. Discussions over a joint aid administration dragged on for months. A conference of major aid donors on May 16-17 issued an ultimatum to Colombo to establish the body as the condition for a $US3 billion aid package.
Kumaratunga reluctantly established the Post-Tsunami Operations Management Structure (P-TOMS) with the LTTE, but it was a lame duck from the outset. The JVP withdrew from the government and successfully challenged the constitutionality of P-TOMS in the Supreme Court. At presidential elections in November 2005, the JVP backed the new candidate of Kumaratunga’s Sri Lanka Freedom Party—Mahinda Rajapakse—on a platform that scrapped P-TOMS completely and set the course for a renewed war.
Having narrowly won office, Rajapakse with the tacit backing of Washington immediately adopted a highly provocative stance towards the LTTE. In January 2006, the US ambassador in Colombo Jeffrey Lunstead signalled Washington’s support for a renewed war, demanding the LTTE accept the government’s terms for talks. “If the LTTE chooses to abandon peace,” Lunstead warned, “we want it to be clear, they will face a stronger, more capable and more determined Sri Lankan military. We want the cost of a return to war to be high.”
A covert war of provocation and murders erupted into open conflict in July 2006 when Rajapakse ordered the army to seize the LTTE-held area of Mavilaru in open breach of the 2002 ceasefire. This open act of aggression brought not a murmur of criticism from the US or the other sponsors of the “peace process”. Today the island is bogged down in a brutal civil war—with the US providing political and military support.
According to a report by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), direct commercial sales of defence materials to Sri Lanka increased from $US1.9 million in 2004, to $3.1 million in 2005 and $3.9 million in 2006. In return, the Rajapakse government quietly supports the Bush administration’s occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and last year signed an agreement to allow the US military to use the island for logistical support.
As for the victims of the tsunami, they have been completely forgotten. According to the government’s Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA), 6,718 families or more than 25,000 people were still living in appalling conditions in refugee camps in March—that is, more than three years after the tsunami. Most of the families—5,820—are in the North and East where the renewed fighting is taking place. Even in the district surrounding the capital of Colombo, there are 803 families in camps.
These official figures are undoubtedly an underestimate. Moreover, many more of the survivors, including those who have been re-housed, still face enormous economic difficulties. Many fishermen lost their livelihoods and were resettled away from the coastline. On the pretext of protecting the population, the government exploited the opportunity to clear away fishing villages to pave the way for luxury hotels and resorts.
The plight of these refugees speaks volumes. Hakeem from the eastern rural town of Marathumunai told the WSWS this week: “In our village 186 families were affected by tsunami. Hundreds were killed when the tsunami hit.” He said that no one in his village had a house. Many had no full time work and earned a little money as casual labourers. The central school at Maruthumunai has not been built.
The story is the same in the Western Province. An old abandoned government building in the Colombo suburb of Katubedda is where 56 families are currently living. The building is dilapidated. Each family has about 40 square metres partitioned off. Toilets overflow with effluent. Electricity has been cut off because the Disaster Management ministry has not paid the bill. None of the adults have a proper job.
A 19-year-old girl told the WSWS: “You ask about the situation in Burma. As we can’t watch television or have access to any other media we don’t know what’s going on there. I only know from you about the situation. It sounds somewhat similar. Throughout the world we see how ordinary people are hit by natural disasters and how the rulers treat them.”
The US marines have long since moved on, international tsunami aid to Sri Lanka has dried up and the government is diverting money from basic services into its renewed war. The story will undoubtedly be similar in Burma. The push to intervene in Burma is motivated by the economic and strategic interests of the major powers which are diametrically opposed to those of the majority of Burmese and will inevitably produce to new tragedies.
See Also:
A socialist and internationalist perspective to confront the Asian tsunami disaster
[9 February 2005]
Why the propaganda campaign for international intervention in Burma?
[10 May 2008]
A new Asian disaster: Cyclone kills tens of thousands in Burma
[7 May 2008]
Bush administration moves to exploit Burma cyclone disaster
[7 May 2008]
Sunday, May 11, 2008
UPFA wins Eastern Province
The ruling United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) won the Provincial council election in the Eastern Province 2008, by securing 20 seats against 15 by the main opposition the United National Party (UNP). The Jantha Vimukthi Peramua (JVP) and Tamils' Democratic National Alliance (TDNA) won one seat each.
In Batticaloa district UPFA secured the power winning 6 seats. The UNP won 4 seats and TDNA one seat. Ampara district was also won by the UPFA with 8 seats against the 6 of the UNP.
The UNP won the most number of seats in Trincomalee district winning 5 seats against f the UPFA. The JVP also won one seat.
In Batticaloa district UPFA secured the power winning 6 seats. The UNP won 4 seats and TDNA one seat. Ampara district was also won by the UPFA with 8 seats against the 6 of the UNP.
The UNP won the most number of seats in Trincomalee district winning 5 seats against f the UPFA. The JVP also won one seat.
Overall 55%-60% voter turnout in violence-free Eastern PC poll
With an overall 55% to 60% voter turnout, the curtain came down on the Eastern Provincial Council election yesterday sans any major poll-related acts of violence.
The turnout for the poll in the three districts of the Province, Ampara, Trincomalee and Batticaloa -- held after a lapse of 20 years, was satisfactory, Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dissanayake said
Though there was a lull as polling opened at 7 am, it gathered momentum as the day progressed, election officials said.
"There were no major election-related incidents of violence", senior police and security officials said.
Ampara's Chief Returning Officer, Sunil Kannangara said polling was in the range of 60% to 65% in the Digamadulla district.
Trincomalee's Chief Returning Officer, Major General (Retd) Ranjith de Silva placed the voter turnover 55% to 60% in the district under his purview.
Chief Returning Officer of Batticaloa, Government Agent Sundaram Arumainayagam reported 55% polling in his district.
There were no major incidents during polling and voters were observed casting their votes in a relatively peaceful atmosphere, said W. P. Sumanasiri, the Additional Commissioner of Elections (Provincial and Local).
However, the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) and People's Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) reported certain poll-related incidents in the three districts.
CMEV said in a statement that 25 complaints of incidents of election related violence were received and of them 18 fell into the 'major offences' category.
PAFFREL's Executive director Kingsley Rodrigo said 56 incidents were reported and of them 28 were made by the UNP. Most of them related to chasing away voters, impersonation and clashes between political party supporters.
He said that overall 80% had gone off smoothly but 20% had been marred by untoward incidents.
The leader of the TMVP, who is also the Chief Ministerial candidate of the UPFA Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan better known as Pillaiyan cast his vote at the polling station at Vipulananda Maha Vidyalaya in Valachchenai. Similarly, the other UPFA hopeful M. L .A. M. Hisbullah voted in his hometown of Kattankudy under heavy military cover.
The Chairman of the SLMC and chief candidate of the UNP from the Batticaloa district Basheer Cegudawood cast his vote at the Arafat Vidayalaya booth, adjoining his residence at Eravur.
UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake, coordinating his party's campaign yesterday charged that the polls were not free and fair and cited certain incidents at Tirukkovil in Ampara, Verugal in Trincomalee. He accused the TMVP leader of rigging votes in Batticaloa but said he is hopeful of victory for the UNP.
Media Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa who was associated with Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva in leading the UPFA's campaign in the Digamadulla District also expressed confidence of victory for his party.
UPFA General Secretary and Minister Susil Premajayantha leading the campaign from the Batticaloa district said that the situation was quite calm without any major incidents and the voter turnout was improving by noon, "The UPFA is assured of an overwhelming victory "
Senior Advisor to the President (MP) Basil Rajapaksa leading the UPFA's campaign in the Eastern Province expressed confidence that the Government would get a resounding victory to move forward with developing the province.
DIG (Digamadulla) Shantha Rajapaksa said no violent poll-related incidents were reported.
DIG (Batticaloa) H. M. D Herath said that the situation was under control without any incidents worth mentioning.
DIG (Trincomalee) Upali Gunasekera said that expect for a few isolated incidents, voting took place in a peaceful atmosphere.
The last elections to the formerly merged North-East Province was held on November 19, 1988
This poll was held according to the Electoral Register for 2006 under which there are 982,721 registered voters who were eligible to cast their vote for 1,342 candidates belonging to 18 political parties and 56 independent groups to elect 35 members. Two bonus seats will go to the party or group that receives the highest number of preference votes.
The turnout for the poll in the three districts of the Province, Ampara, Trincomalee and Batticaloa -- held after a lapse of 20 years, was satisfactory, Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dissanayake said
Though there was a lull as polling opened at 7 am, it gathered momentum as the day progressed, election officials said.
"There were no major election-related incidents of violence", senior police and security officials said.
Ampara's Chief Returning Officer, Sunil Kannangara said polling was in the range of 60% to 65% in the Digamadulla district.
Trincomalee's Chief Returning Officer, Major General (Retd) Ranjith de Silva placed the voter turnover 55% to 60% in the district under his purview.
Chief Returning Officer of Batticaloa, Government Agent Sundaram Arumainayagam reported 55% polling in his district.
There were no major incidents during polling and voters were observed casting their votes in a relatively peaceful atmosphere, said W. P. Sumanasiri, the Additional Commissioner of Elections (Provincial and Local).
However, the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) and People's Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) reported certain poll-related incidents in the three districts.
CMEV said in a statement that 25 complaints of incidents of election related violence were received and of them 18 fell into the 'major offences' category.
PAFFREL's Executive director Kingsley Rodrigo said 56 incidents were reported and of them 28 were made by the UNP. Most of them related to chasing away voters, impersonation and clashes between political party supporters.
He said that overall 80% had gone off smoothly but 20% had been marred by untoward incidents.
The leader of the TMVP, who is also the Chief Ministerial candidate of the UPFA Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan better known as Pillaiyan cast his vote at the polling station at Vipulananda Maha Vidyalaya in Valachchenai. Similarly, the other UPFA hopeful M. L .A. M. Hisbullah voted in his hometown of Kattankudy under heavy military cover.
The Chairman of the SLMC and chief candidate of the UNP from the Batticaloa district Basheer Cegudawood cast his vote at the Arafat Vidayalaya booth, adjoining his residence at Eravur.
UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake, coordinating his party's campaign yesterday charged that the polls were not free and fair and cited certain incidents at Tirukkovil in Ampara, Verugal in Trincomalee. He accused the TMVP leader of rigging votes in Batticaloa but said he is hopeful of victory for the UNP.
Media Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa who was associated with Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva in leading the UPFA's campaign in the Digamadulla District also expressed confidence of victory for his party.
UPFA General Secretary and Minister Susil Premajayantha leading the campaign from the Batticaloa district said that the situation was quite calm without any major incidents and the voter turnout was improving by noon, "The UPFA is assured of an overwhelming victory "
Senior Advisor to the President (MP) Basil Rajapaksa leading the UPFA's campaign in the Eastern Province expressed confidence that the Government would get a resounding victory to move forward with developing the province.
DIG (Digamadulla) Shantha Rajapaksa said no violent poll-related incidents were reported.
DIG (Batticaloa) H. M. D Herath said that the situation was under control without any incidents worth mentioning.
DIG (Trincomalee) Upali Gunasekera said that expect for a few isolated incidents, voting took place in a peaceful atmosphere.
The last elections to the formerly merged North-East Province was held on November 19, 1988
This poll was held according to the Electoral Register for 2006 under which there are 982,721 registered voters who were eligible to cast their vote for 1,342 candidates belonging to 18 political parties and 56 independent groups to elect 35 members. Two bonus seats will go to the party or group that receives the highest number of preference votes.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Terrorism report says anti-LTTE groups used to terrorise citizens
The United States while accusing the LTTE of targeting civilians has also accused the government of using anti-LTTE paramilitaries to terrorize those suspected of having ties with the Tamil Tigers.
The US State Department in its annual 2007 terrorism report released on Wednesday said Iran – Sri Lanka’s latest ally -- remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism with elements of its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) directly involved in the planning and supporting of terrorist acts.
“In Sri Lanka, the LTTE and the government violated the 2002 Cease-fire Agreement on a number of occasions leaving more than 5,000 people dead and thousands
displaced since hostilities started again in 2006. The LTTE reverted to targeting civilians in bus bombings and claymore mine attacks, while the government used anti-LTTE paramilitaries to terrorize citizens suspected of having ties with the Tigers. Both the LTTE and armed groups allied to the government engaged in wide-spread human rights abuses including extra-judicial killings, abductions and extortions,” the report released by US Secretary of State Condaleezza Rice said.
The report said the government took effective control of the Eastern Province in mid last year but the LTTE continued to control much of the north and carried out attacks throughout the country while the LTTE and government forces engaged in retaliatory attacks throughout the year.
“The LTTE continued to finance itself with contributions from the Tamil Diaspora in North America, Europe and Australia and by imposing local "taxes" on businesses operating in the areas of Sri Lanka under LTTE-control and reportedly by extortion operations in government-controlled areas,”
The LTTE also used Tamil charitable organizations as fronts for its fundraising.
The US State Department in its annual 2007 terrorism report released on Wednesday said Iran – Sri Lanka’s latest ally -- remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism with elements of its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) directly involved in the planning and supporting of terrorist acts.
“In Sri Lanka, the LTTE and the government violated the 2002 Cease-fire Agreement on a number of occasions leaving more than 5,000 people dead and thousands
displaced since hostilities started again in 2006. The LTTE reverted to targeting civilians in bus bombings and claymore mine attacks, while the government used anti-LTTE paramilitaries to terrorize citizens suspected of having ties with the Tigers. Both the LTTE and armed groups allied to the government engaged in wide-spread human rights abuses including extra-judicial killings, abductions and extortions,” the report released by US Secretary of State Condaleezza Rice said.
The report said the government took effective control of the Eastern Province in mid last year but the LTTE continued to control much of the north and carried out attacks throughout the country while the LTTE and government forces engaged in retaliatory attacks throughout the year.
“The LTTE continued to finance itself with contributions from the Tamil Diaspora in North America, Europe and Australia and by imposing local "taxes" on businesses operating in the areas of Sri Lanka under LTTE-control and reportedly by extortion operations in government-controlled areas,”
The LTTE also used Tamil charitable organizations as fronts for its fundraising.
Troops capture rebel controlled town in Northern Sri Lanka, 35 combatants killed in fighting
Advancing troops captured the town of Karuppukulam in the Mannar district yesterday (May 1) in an offensive while heavy fighting in the northern battle fronts killed at least 34 Tamil Tiger rebels and a soldier, the military said.
Army infantrymen pushed into the rebel controlled area and have captured an area 1 km in length and 600m in width Karuppukulam 6 a.m. yesterday, defense sources said. According to military sources, a soldier and 15 Tigers were killed in the operation.
Elsewhere in the fronts of Vavuniya, Jaffna, Mannar and Weli Oya troops destroyed LTTE bunkers and launched artillery attacks yesterday killing 19 Tigers, Defense Ministry reported.
Independent verification of casualty figures is not possible as the area is restricted to the media.
Sri Lankan government has launched a military campaign to wrest control of the northern regions from the Tamil Tigers after abrogating the defunct ceasefire agreement in January this year.
Army infantrymen pushed into the rebel controlled area and have captured an area 1 km in length and 600m in width Karuppukulam 6 a.m. yesterday, defense sources said. According to military sources, a soldier and 15 Tigers were killed in the operation.
Elsewhere in the fronts of Vavuniya, Jaffna, Mannar and Weli Oya troops destroyed LTTE bunkers and launched artillery attacks yesterday killing 19 Tigers, Defense Ministry reported.
Independent verification of casualty figures is not possible as the area is restricted to the media.
Sri Lankan government has launched a military campaign to wrest control of the northern regions from the Tamil Tigers after abrogating the defunct ceasefire agreement in January this year.
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