Monday, November 10, 2008
STF confident of meeting LTTE threat in East
The army top brass has expressed serious concern over what a security official called an alarming increase in LTTE activity. LTTE infiltrators have claimed the lives of a dozen Karuna loyalists in the recent past.
Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that action was being taken to neutralise the threat. "They are operating in small groups trying to cause panic," he told The Island yesterday. He speculated on the possibility of the presence of sleepers awaiting orders to launch operations.
With the army pulling out bulk of the infantry and support units for operations on the Vanni front, the Special Task Force (STF) has had to play a pivotal role in anti-insurgency operations in the East.
STF Commandant DIG K. M. L. Sarathchandra told The Island that the LTTE was making a desperate bid to make its presence felt in the East.
He said some of the infiltrators had been killed and their arms, ammunition and equipment recovered in operations carried out by his troops. A confident STF chief said that the LTTE wouldn’t be allowed to exploit the situation.
"We are on a heightened state of alert and will do everything possible to destroy them," he said.
Responding to our queries, he said that the LTTE had launched a major false propaganda campaign to deceive the Tamil Diaspora and people living in the South. He said that reports on several successful LTTE attacks on the STF had been posted on the pro-LTTE Tamilnet in the recent past. But nothing could be more ridiculous than the claim that the Jayanthan Brigade killed ten police commandos and wounded two at Koappaaveli on the Badulla road on November 4. TamilNet also claimed that the STF had lost three personnel two days later during a 30-minute confrontation in the Panama area.
Task Force 1 troops crossing marshlands of Ponneryn
According to the sources, heavy fighting have been reported since last evening (Nov 9) in the Chempankundu area, as infantrymen started crossing the extremely hostile terrain that runs about 18 Km, west to east from Chempankundu to Nivil. The marshlands that have about 2 km width at some parts stand as an excellent defence for the terrorists, the sources said. However, troops are not in a mood to slow down their pace of advance despite whatever barricade stand against them, the sources added.
Troops of 583 brigade, attacked an LTTE strong point in Chempankundu around 6.10 PM and reported heavy damages to the terrorists. Few soldiers laid own their lives and several others sustained injuries. Meanwhile, troops of 582 brigade confronted with a group of terrorists in the Mulaikoduttavil area around 7.40 AM. Troops claimed heavy damages to the terrorists.
Snipers deployed in the forward areas reported shooting down of two terrorists in the Navalladi and Pallai areas during the day.
Task Force 1 launched their operations early this year to dominate the northwestern coast of the island. So far, troops have marched about 75 km along the Mannar- Poonaryn road (A-32) and established their forward boundaries 7km south of Poonaryn at present.
Defence observers are in the view that troops would be able to wrest full control over the A-32 road once they cross the marshland. The accomplishment of this would open a land route to Jaffna peninsula after 20 years, they add.
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Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Catholic cabinet minsiter Ruth Kelly quits
Catholic minister Ruth Kelly insists her decision to quit the Government is a purely personal one.
The Transport Secretary is stepping down at the next cabinet reshuffle to spend more time with her family.
Her departure comes less than twenty-four hours after Gordon Brown's successful speech at the Labour Party conference.
But it’s a move that overshadows what was thought to be Brown’s most important political speech.
Ms Kelly’s resignation reignites suggestions of a fractured Labour Party.
In his speech, Mr Brown hoped to bury any doubts his over his leadership and claimed it was Labour's "duty" to focus on the challenges facing the country not disagreements within the party.
However, rumours persisted that Kelly had become disenchanted with Mr Brown's leadership. The Conservatives claim she uttered the word 'terrible' after his address.
But Ms Kelly, who's a member of Catholic group Opus Dei, is adamant that she's not leaving because of the Prime Minister's leadership.
“Bringing a front line politician, bringing up 4 your children, being a constituency MP - it’s not been easy all the time. I’ve relied on the support from my family and friends and I now think it’s time to take a step back and to repay them for the support they have given me over the years.”
Ms Kelly says this shouldn't fuel speculation she is unhappy with Brown’s performance. “I can’t think of anyone better.” She said, claiming that Gordon Brown was a towering figure of the Labour party and the right man for the job.
Mr Brown said: "She's been an MP all the time her children have been born. She is a very talented individual and I think the public will understand these are the things that happen when you have to juggle work and family life."
The Labour Party Conference comes to a close today. Chair of the Christian Sociality Movement, Labour MP Alun Michael tells Premier the mood among his colleagues.
“It’s very buoyant. We have had a lot of discussion not just among ourselves but people like the leaders of the free churches who have been visiting,” he said, “We have seen an increase of political engagement not just in the denominations but across faiths, upon which, I believe we can lead.”
Friday, September 19, 2008
"Api Wenuwen Api" Cultural and Musical show in London
Following are excerpts from the media release of the event.
"Api Wenuwen Api Fund" is a collaboration between the Ministry of Defence and the Central Bank of Sri Lanka to build 50,000 houses for the serving Tri-Service personnel.
The gift of housing is one of the best and most tangible ways to demonstrate our gratitude and appreciation. This is the time for all Sri Lankans to support our brothers and sisters who are committed to bringing peace to our motherland - Sri Lanka.
The main event of this project "Api Wenuwen Api Cultural and Musical show" conducted by Tri Services personnel in Sri Lanka will be held at the Troxy Theatre 490 Commercial Road London E1 0HX on Sunday 21st September 2008 at 2.30 pm.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Taj Lanka to continue investing in city hotel despite "turmoil"
"The year under review has been extremely difficult for the hotel industry, a year in which your company operated under even tougher conditions," he said reiterating tht investment in their Colombo property will continue.
Goel made the point that the conflict in the North and the East and widespread media exposure of these events had contributed to the industry's "dismal performance" during the year under review.
"Further, inflation and cost of living have gone up significantly along with cost of imports due to the sharp devaluation of the rupee. These have contributed adversely to the cost of operations. Due to the uncertain future based on the current scenario, the deferred tax charge had impacted further on the net results of the company," he explained.
However, the company was committed to enhancing the image and position of the hotel in the market having renovated four floors and the swimming pool and opened a brand new coffee shop which was already popular.
The next phase of the renovation will focus on the remaining floors, restaurants, banqueting and fitness centre facilities, the chairman said.
He was hopeful that tourism will stabilize by the end of the second half of the current financial year which is the winter tourist season on the basis of information received from key source markets.
This, together with the proactive stand taken by the Tourism Ministry and the Sri Lanka Tourist Board to increase arrivals, is expected to show results by the end of this year, he hoped.
"As a positive initiative to target India, one of the fastest growing outbound markets, Taj group is partnering with the Sri Lankan government in new strategies to cater to various segmented tourism and in (projecting) Sri Lanka as a selected destination," he said.
Goel identified negative travel advisories by major tourist originating countries including UK, Germany, Australia, Italy and France as a deterrent to the progress of the tourism industry.
"These advisories together with the uncertain security situation were reflected in a decline in arrivals from all the major markets, except the UK, the Maldives, Middle, East and Russia," he said.
"As a result, earning from tourism declined to US dollars 385 million in 2007/08, an all time low figure, from US dollars 410 million in 2006/07. Nevertheless several initiatives were taken in 2007/08."
Taj Lanka has a stated capital of nearly Rs.1.4 billion and a revaluation reserve of Rs.1.2 billion in its books with borrowings running at Rs.444.9 million.
Net finance cost during the year under review had declined to Rs.29.9 million from Rs.54.1 million the previous year.
The Taj had been marginally profitable for four of the last six years except 2004/05 when a tidy profit of Rs.155.3 million was posted. The last two years had been loss making.
Taj Asia Limited with 58.14%, the Indian Hotels Company (24.62%) and Mrs. Jane Elizabeth de Silva (2.04%) are the major shareholders of the company.
The Taj Lanka share with net assets of Rs.8.53 per share, down from Rs.8.74 the previous year, traded at a high of Rs.11.50 and a low of Rs.7 during the year under review. This compared with a trading range of Rs.17 to Rs.10.50 the previous year.
The directors of the company are: Messrs. Anil P. Goel, U.L. Kadurugamuwa, B.K. Chaudhary (alternate Nirvana Chaudhary), Arun K. Chaudhary, Tilak de Zoysa, J. Daboo, Souvik Das (resigned 27.03.2008), R.H. Parekh (w.e.f. 27.03.2008), J.P. Kanoria, Vish Govindasamy, Dr. G. Sundaram and Ms. D.M. Harris.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Army releases HSZ land in Jaffna
Inter-Agency Standing Committee which represents all INGOs including UN agencies has confirmed the release of land in its latest bulletin.
A senior army spokesman based in Jaffna said the 73 families would be benefited. "We have already given them access to their land. They’ll be issued special identity cards," he said.
Ariyalai is situated in the area controlled by 51 Division deployed in the town and its adjoining areas. He said the return of the civilians would be subject to strict surveillance as part of the security measures to thwart LTTE infiltration.
Responding to our queries, the official said that the release of land had not been on a court order. He said people tend to mix up the release of Ariyalai paddy fields with an ongoing case over cultivable land within the Palaly HSZ. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, he said the armed forces had initiated discussions with the Government Agent of Jaffna and the judiciary to explore ways and means of facilitating the return of civilians. But this wouldn’t be at the expense of security of the strategic bases, he said. Northern Naval Area Commander Rear Admiral Tissara Samarasinghe and Major General Chandrasiri are involved in the ongoing deliberations.
The official said that gradual easing up of restrictions would largely depend on the support received from the civilian community. Emphasising the importance of thwarting LTTE attempts to cause trouble in the peninsula, he commended the civilians for protecting electricity transformers at the risk of their lives.
The LTTE recently damaged several electricity transformers as part of their efforts to harass the Jaffna administration.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Army captures Palamoddai and Ulathuvely areas
Troops of Task Force 2 advanced along the northwestern border of the Vavuniya district, on the west of the A-9 road have gained the total control over the Palamoddai town area. LTTE terrorists raised their fullest effort to protest this strategically vital area and to delay the security forces advances directing heavy resistance on them. With the fallen of Palamoddai, terrorists have to make more efforts to defend their territory in north of Omanthai area to face the fast moving soldiers towards Kilinochchi, defence sources said.
Simultaneously, troops of the 59 Division advanced to the north of Kokkutoduvai have captured the Ulathuvely area, about 4 km, north of Kokkutoduvai, a strategically important beachfront.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Farmers allowed cultivating lands in HSZ in Jaffna
73 farmers who had registered with the Ariyalai East Farmers' association commenced their work on Sunday (Aug 18). The sources said that the each farmer have been issued a special identity card by the civil military coordination office of 512 brigade.
The officials of the farmers association have welcomed the security forces' decision to allow the lands for the cultivation work. They have called the decision a vital confidence building measure between the civilian community and the security forces.
'Peace & Goodwill' continues to remain in Jaffna
The meeting, led by Major General G.A Chandrasiri, Commander Security Forces Jaffna was attended by Chief Hindu Priest in Jaffna Rev Sri Somasundar Paramacharya Swamy, Jaffna Bishop Rt Rev Dr Thomas Soundaranayagam, Jaffna High Court Judge R.T Vignarajah, District Secretary for Jaffna K Ganesh, 51 Divisional Commander Major General L.B.R Mark, Northern Division Deputy Inspector General of Police W.F.U Fernando and a host of other senior Army and Navy officers.
Major General G.A Chandrasiri, giving an updated account of ongoing projects such as Chunnakam power project, Achchuveli industrial zone, Re-opening of Kankesanthurai cement factory, conduct of medical clinics, distribution of dry rations among low income groups, conduct of religious ceremonies and advanced level and grade five scholarship examinations, organizing of an educational exhibition, inter-school sports meet, computer training programme for school drop-outs and coordinated security network, run by combined Police and Army personnel in the peninsula, etc. highlighted that uninterrupted 24-hour power supply to the Jaffna people, has largely helped Security Forces to combat swelling criminal activities, the meeting was told. Establishment of a new rehabilitation centre for children and women, close to the existing Thelippalai one, is also in progress, it was disclosed, as numbers seeking protection from the Security Forces after abandoning LTTE terrorism are on the increase.
It was also pointed out that people over 60 years of age need not seek security clearance for their exit from the Jaffna peninsula. 51, 52 & 55 Divisions, effective from 1st September would issue security clearance for respective areas directly from the Division offices.
Possibilities to relocate Pannai Police station and Jaffna Police Headquarters were also taken up for discussion during this meeting.
Major General Chandrasiri announced that some 700 connections to CDMA telephones are to be restored and given to their owners on the recommendations of the security authorities, the gathering was told.
Matters concerning distribution of foods, arrangements made in connection with Nallur Kovil festival and smooth conduct of affairs in the peninsula, were also discussed during this friendly gathering.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tamil Gangsters to be sentenced for murdering youth by stabbing - London
The police said gangs of violent Sri Lankan Tamil men in South London area, where illegal fund raising activities of the liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are quite rampant are "constantly tooled up" and "ready to go", for such crimes .
"There have been a number of violent clashes involving groups of Tamil men in Croydon and other parts of south London in recent years", said a local newspaper Wandsworth Borough News.
"They culminated in the murder of 28-year-old Prabaskaran Kannan in Tooting last year. He was chased by a group of four men from Croydon who stabbed and slashed their terrified victim 31 times outside a fried chicken takeaway shop", the newspaper reported. The case came to be known as Chicken Cottage Tamil murder after the name of the take away restaurant. The chief detective in the case said Croydon's Tamil gangs were causing concern among officers.
Detective Sergeant Mick Snowdon spoke out about the problems surrounding Tamil gangs after five men were convicted of Mr Kannan's murder at the Old Bailey in London.
Witnesses said in the courts that Mr Kannan was heard shouting "It wasn't me, it wasn't me" shortly before he was brutally set upon and killed by the four Tamil gang members.
Last week, homeless Vabeesan Sivarajah, 22, Aziz Miah, 20, of Sumner Road, Croydon, Asif Kumbay, 20, of Grasmere Road, Purley, and Kirush Nathankumar, 18, of Purley Way, Croydon, were all convicted of murder by an Old Bailey jury. They all denied the charges.
"The young men burst into tears after the sentence was announced. A jury of nine men and three women took three days to reach their verdict", reported the local newspaper.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Police seeks public assistance to arrest terror suspect
The Police while commending the public for their awareness, which had made it possible to avert tragedy, issued a photo of the suspect with following details.
Available details are as follows:
Name: Jatheesan Balasubramaniyam
Date of Birth: 1978.08.28
Passport No: N 1898438
NIC No: 782413538 V
Address: Wattala (general area)
Inform details to following Police emergency numbers:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
No nation should be ever forced to negotiate with terrorists - US President
Terrorist chief Balraj dies in a heart attack
Balraj being a founding member of the LTTE was an accomplice in many civilian massacres carried out by the LTTE. According to the Pro terror websites, Balraj has been given self styled rank of "Brigadier:" by the LTTE leadership.
LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit that has been fighting a bloody war against the citizen of Sri Lanka since 1983. Inspired by the tribal ideologies of its megalomaniac leader V. Prbhakaran, the outfit's main cause is to create a mono ethnic separate homeland for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. The LTTE is also blacklisted under the UN list of shame for using child soldiers in combat.
Monday, May 19, 2008
President's Vesak Message

It is with much devotion and faith that I join all Sri Lankan Buddhists in celebrating the Great Vesak Festival.
We know that the greatest homage we could pay to the Buddha is to live the Vesak season according to the teachings of the Buddha.
The Buddha showed us that advancement in this world and the next could be achieved by appreciating what is good. The policy of the government is to steer the country to the correct path by adhering to the dhamma. In doing so our responsibility is to tolerate other opinions and act with loving kindness. As the Buddha has taught:
"Be alert; do not idle. Follow the law of virtue. He who is virtuous lives happily both in this world and the next" - Dhammapada. Ch. 13. v.168
Let us stop being indifferent and speaking ill of the past. We should brook no delay in working to build a virtuous land.
Our hope is to bequeath a prosperous country that is without armaments and fear of enemies and robbers; a country in which all could live in tranquility. Our resolve on this Vesak Day is to work with a correct vision in keeping with the dhamma. This will see the fruition of our actions to build a new Sri Lanka.
Let us resolve make this Vesak Festival meaningful by seeking refuge in the serene path of Buddha.
May you all obtain refuge in the Buddha!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The tsunami in Sri Lanka: A case study in US humanitarian missions
The Burmese junta has clearly demonstrated once again its repressive methods and callous disregard for human life. But the claim that Washington and its allies are acting purely out of concern for the Burmese people is simply a lie. As in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Bush administration is pursuing its strategic and economic interests—in the case of Burma to undermine a regime that is allied to China, which the US regards as a potentially dangerous rising rival.
In making the case for an intervention in Burma, the media commentary frequently raises the 2004 tsunami, claiming that the international response, including the deployment of foreign militaries, was a model of efficiency and benevolence. Completely ignored is what actually took place in 2004, its political implications and the fate of the tens of thousands of survivors who are still struggling to survive in countries around the Bay of Bengal.
The case of Sri Lanka contains important lessons. After Indonesia, Sri Lanka was the country hardest hit by tsunami. According to official figures, at least 30,920 people died, 519,063 were displaced and 103,836 houses destroyed. The devastation was horrendous. Homes, schools, hospitals, road, rail lines, communications were all swept away. Whole villages disappeared. The survivors were left without shelter, food, clean water and medicine. Many, particularly fishermen, lost their livelihoods.
Burma is not alone in having an incompetent, repressive administration. For days the government of President Chandrika Kumaratunga did nothing, particularly in the East and North where a tense ceasefire was holding with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). It was above all ordinary working people, including those with skills such as doctors and nurses, who streamed out of Colombo and provided the first assistance to desperate survivors.
The reaction of the government was to deploy soldiers and troops and place the entire aid operation under military control, including the teams of volunteers. Their prime concern was not to help the survivors, who faced appalling conditions in squalid improvised refugee camps, but to suppress any opposition or protests at the government’s indifference and lack of aid. Above all, the way in which ordinary Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims had come together to assist each other, cut directly across the decades of anti-Tamil communalism on which the Colombo political establishment has rested.
It was in this context that the Bush administration dispatched the US military to Sri Lanka. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell did not so much ask as demand that marines be allowed into the south of the island. Even in ruling circles, eyebrows were raised at allowing American troops into the country for the first time. An editorial in the Daily Mirror openly questioned whether the military intervention had ulterior motives—to further US interests in Central Asia and the Middle East.
Kumaratunga quickly acquiesced, however. Three hundred marines landed in the south of the island and were deployed there and at Arugam Bay in the East. The aid operation was very limited. The soldiers helped clear debris, handed out some relief supplies, posed for the media and then pulled out several months later. Undoubtedly some survivors received assistance, but the overriding purpose of the US military presence was political.
The operation had a number of motives: to overcome decades of deep hostility among the Sri Lankan masses towards US imperialism and to set a precedent that is now being invoked in the case of Burma. But as the Socialist Equality Party warned, above all Washington was seeking to forge closer military ties, including with Sri Lanka, to pursue its economic and strategic ambitions throughout the broader region.
Sri Lanka’s strategic significance
That warning was confirmed. Sri Lanka’s main strategic significance is its position astride the main sea-lanes of the Indian Ocean, including the main route from the Middle East through the Malacca Strait to the Pacific. In particular, the deep-water port of Trincomalee on the eastern coast has been long been regarded as an important prize. After the 2002 ceasefire was signed with the LTTE, a high-level team from the US Pacific Command visited Sri Lanka to make a detailed study of Trincomalee harbour and assess the potential LTTE threats.
At that point, the Bush administration was still publicly supporting the so-called international peace process as the means for ending the island’s bitter 20-year civil war. Washington’s concern was not, however, with the devastation that the war had brought to Sri Lanka’s population, but rather that the conflict was a destabilising influence which threatened US interests in the region, particularly in India.
By December 2004, however, the peace process was already at the point of collapse. Peace negotiations had broken down in April 2003 and in early 2004 President Kumaratunga summarily dismissed the United National Front (UNF) government for “undermining national security”. In the background, the military and Sinhala extremist parties, such as the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP)—a partner in Kumaratunga’s new government, were already pressing for a renewed war.
The US and other major powers used the catastrophe created by the tsunami to push for a joint mechanism between the government and the LTTE to distribute international aid. The proposal was regarded as the first step towards restarting peace negotiations. Kumaratunga tentatively embraced the suggestion, in part because of broad popular sentiment that the tsunami had demonstrated that all Sri Lankans were in the same boat and that the fratricidal war should be ended. However, the military high command and the JVP regarded the temporary aid body as an impermissible concession to the LTTE.
The tsunami was a convenient pretext for forging closer political and military ties with Washington. Powell visited Colombo in early January as part of his tour of affected countries. In April, Admiral William J. Fallon, then head of the US Pacific Command, visited Sri Lanka, met with government leaders and toured areas hit by the tsunami, including Trincomalee. In the same month, Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia Christina Rocca arrived in Sri Lanka to discuss the joint aid mechanism.
The Bush administration was clearly pursuing a two-pronged strategy—publicly pushing for peace talks, while privately holding top level discussions with the Sri Lankan military over possible war plans. Discussions over a joint aid administration dragged on for months. A conference of major aid donors on May 16-17 issued an ultimatum to Colombo to establish the body as the condition for a $US3 billion aid package.
Kumaratunga reluctantly established the Post-Tsunami Operations Management Structure (P-TOMS) with the LTTE, but it was a lame duck from the outset. The JVP withdrew from the government and successfully challenged the constitutionality of P-TOMS in the Supreme Court. At presidential elections in November 2005, the JVP backed the new candidate of Kumaratunga’s Sri Lanka Freedom Party—Mahinda Rajapakse—on a platform that scrapped P-TOMS completely and set the course for a renewed war.
Having narrowly won office, Rajapakse with the tacit backing of Washington immediately adopted a highly provocative stance towards the LTTE. In January 2006, the US ambassador in Colombo Jeffrey Lunstead signalled Washington’s support for a renewed war, demanding the LTTE accept the government’s terms for talks. “If the LTTE chooses to abandon peace,” Lunstead warned, “we want it to be clear, they will face a stronger, more capable and more determined Sri Lankan military. We want the cost of a return to war to be high.”
A covert war of provocation and murders erupted into open conflict in July 2006 when Rajapakse ordered the army to seize the LTTE-held area of Mavilaru in open breach of the 2002 ceasefire. This open act of aggression brought not a murmur of criticism from the US or the other sponsors of the “peace process”. Today the island is bogged down in a brutal civil war—with the US providing political and military support.
According to a report by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), direct commercial sales of defence materials to Sri Lanka increased from $US1.9 million in 2004, to $3.1 million in 2005 and $3.9 million in 2006. In return, the Rajapakse government quietly supports the Bush administration’s occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan and last year signed an agreement to allow the US military to use the island for logistical support.
As for the victims of the tsunami, they have been completely forgotten. According to the government’s Reconstruction and Development Agency (RADA), 6,718 families or more than 25,000 people were still living in appalling conditions in refugee camps in March—that is, more than three years after the tsunami. Most of the families—5,820—are in the North and East where the renewed fighting is taking place. Even in the district surrounding the capital of Colombo, there are 803 families in camps.
These official figures are undoubtedly an underestimate. Moreover, many more of the survivors, including those who have been re-housed, still face enormous economic difficulties. Many fishermen lost their livelihoods and were resettled away from the coastline. On the pretext of protecting the population, the government exploited the opportunity to clear away fishing villages to pave the way for luxury hotels and resorts.
The plight of these refugees speaks volumes. Hakeem from the eastern rural town of Marathumunai told the WSWS this week: “In our village 186 families were affected by tsunami. Hundreds were killed when the tsunami hit.” He said that no one in his village had a house. Many had no full time work and earned a little money as casual labourers. The central school at Maruthumunai has not been built.
The story is the same in the Western Province. An old abandoned government building in the Colombo suburb of Katubedda is where 56 families are currently living. The building is dilapidated. Each family has about 40 square metres partitioned off. Toilets overflow with effluent. Electricity has been cut off because the Disaster Management ministry has not paid the bill. None of the adults have a proper job.
A 19-year-old girl told the WSWS: “You ask about the situation in Burma. As we can’t watch television or have access to any other media we don’t know what’s going on there. I only know from you about the situation. It sounds somewhat similar. Throughout the world we see how ordinary people are hit by natural disasters and how the rulers treat them.”
The US marines have long since moved on, international tsunami aid to Sri Lanka has dried up and the government is diverting money from basic services into its renewed war. The story will undoubtedly be similar in Burma. The push to intervene in Burma is motivated by the economic and strategic interests of the major powers which are diametrically opposed to those of the majority of Burmese and will inevitably produce to new tragedies.
See Also:
A socialist and internationalist perspective to confront the Asian tsunami disaster
[9 February 2005]
Why the propaganda campaign for international intervention in Burma?
[10 May 2008]
A new Asian disaster: Cyclone kills tens of thousands in Burma
[7 May 2008]
Bush administration moves to exploit Burma cyclone disaster
[7 May 2008]
Sunday, May 11, 2008
UPFA wins Eastern Province
In Batticaloa district UPFA secured the power winning 6 seats. The UNP won 4 seats and TDNA one seat. Ampara district was also won by the UPFA with 8 seats against the 6 of the UNP.
The UNP won the most number of seats in Trincomalee district winning 5 seats against f the UPFA. The JVP also won one seat.
Overall 55%-60% voter turnout in violence-free Eastern PC poll
The turnout for the poll in the three districts of the Province, Ampara, Trincomalee and Batticaloa -- held after a lapse of 20 years, was satisfactory, Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dissanayake said
Though there was a lull as polling opened at 7 am, it gathered momentum as the day progressed, election officials said.
"There were no major election-related incidents of violence", senior police and security officials said.
Ampara's Chief Returning Officer, Sunil Kannangara said polling was in the range of 60% to 65% in the Digamadulla district.
Trincomalee's Chief Returning Officer, Major General (Retd) Ranjith de Silva placed the voter turnover 55% to 60% in the district under his purview.
Chief Returning Officer of Batticaloa, Government Agent Sundaram Arumainayagam reported 55% polling in his district.
There were no major incidents during polling and voters were observed casting their votes in a relatively peaceful atmosphere, said W. P. Sumanasiri, the Additional Commissioner of Elections (Provincial and Local).
However, the Centre for Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) and People's Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) reported certain poll-related incidents in the three districts.
CMEV said in a statement that 25 complaints of incidents of election related violence were received and of them 18 fell into the 'major offences' category.
PAFFREL's Executive director Kingsley Rodrigo said 56 incidents were reported and of them 28 were made by the UNP. Most of them related to chasing away voters, impersonation and clashes between political party supporters.
He said that overall 80% had gone off smoothly but 20% had been marred by untoward incidents.
The leader of the TMVP, who is also the Chief Ministerial candidate of the UPFA Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan better known as Pillaiyan cast his vote at the polling station at Vipulananda Maha Vidyalaya in Valachchenai. Similarly, the other UPFA hopeful M. L .A. M. Hisbullah voted in his hometown of Kattankudy under heavy military cover.
The Chairman of the SLMC and chief candidate of the UNP from the Batticaloa district Basheer Cegudawood cast his vote at the Arafat Vidayalaya booth, adjoining his residence at Eravur.
UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayake, coordinating his party's campaign yesterday charged that the polls were not free and fair and cited certain incidents at Tirukkovil in Ampara, Verugal in Trincomalee. He accused the TMVP leader of rigging votes in Batticaloa but said he is hopeful of victory for the UNP.
Media Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa who was associated with Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva in leading the UPFA's campaign in the Digamadulla District also expressed confidence of victory for his party.
UPFA General Secretary and Minister Susil Premajayantha leading the campaign from the Batticaloa district said that the situation was quite calm without any major incidents and the voter turnout was improving by noon, "The UPFA is assured of an overwhelming victory "
Senior Advisor to the President (MP) Basil Rajapaksa leading the UPFA's campaign in the Eastern Province expressed confidence that the Government would get a resounding victory to move forward with developing the province.
DIG (Digamadulla) Shantha Rajapaksa said no violent poll-related incidents were reported.
DIG (Batticaloa) H. M. D Herath said that the situation was under control without any incidents worth mentioning.
DIG (Trincomalee) Upali Gunasekera said that expect for a few isolated incidents, voting took place in a peaceful atmosphere.
The last elections to the formerly merged North-East Province was held on November 19, 1988
This poll was held according to the Electoral Register for 2006 under which there are 982,721 registered voters who were eligible to cast their vote for 1,342 candidates belonging to 18 political parties and 56 independent groups to elect 35 members. Two bonus seats will go to the party or group that receives the highest number of preference votes.
Friday, May 02, 2008
Terrorism report says anti-LTTE groups used to terrorise citizens
The US State Department in its annual 2007 terrorism report released on Wednesday said Iran – Sri Lanka’s latest ally -- remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism with elements of its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) directly involved in the planning and supporting of terrorist acts.
“In Sri Lanka, the LTTE and the government violated the 2002 Cease-fire Agreement on a number of occasions leaving more than 5,000 people dead and thousands
displaced since hostilities started again in 2006. The LTTE reverted to targeting civilians in bus bombings and claymore mine attacks, while the government used anti-LTTE paramilitaries to terrorize citizens suspected of having ties with the Tigers. Both the LTTE and armed groups allied to the government engaged in wide-spread human rights abuses including extra-judicial killings, abductions and extortions,” the report released by US Secretary of State Condaleezza Rice said.
The report said the government took effective control of the Eastern Province in mid last year but the LTTE continued to control much of the north and carried out attacks throughout the country while the LTTE and government forces engaged in retaliatory attacks throughout the year.
“The LTTE continued to finance itself with contributions from the Tamil Diaspora in North America, Europe and Australia and by imposing local "taxes" on businesses operating in the areas of Sri Lanka under LTTE-control and reportedly by extortion operations in government-controlled areas,”
The LTTE also used Tamil charitable organizations as fronts for its fundraising.
Troops capture rebel controlled town in Northern Sri Lanka, 35 combatants killed in fighting
Army infantrymen pushed into the rebel controlled area and have captured an area 1 km in length and 600m in width Karuppukulam 6 a.m. yesterday, defense sources said. According to military sources, a soldier and 15 Tigers were killed in the operation.
Elsewhere in the fronts of Vavuniya, Jaffna, Mannar and Weli Oya troops destroyed LTTE bunkers and launched artillery attacks yesterday killing 19 Tigers, Defense Ministry reported.
Independent verification of casualty figures is not possible as the area is restricted to the media.
Sri Lankan government has launched a military campaign to wrest control of the northern regions from the Tamil Tigers after abrogating the defunct ceasefire agreement in January this year.
Friday, April 18, 2008
LTTE looting medical supplies: Hospitals in North face shortages
The Red Cross report attributes the problem as the lack of regular deliveries, limited number of staffers and medical equipment, but states it had managed to get supplies from the government.
"The supplies of medicine are safely dispatched up to Vavuniya but what happens beyond that point is unknown", Dr. Athula Kahandagamage, Secretary, Ministry of Health was quoted as saying to press.
He also commended the ICRC for helping out with the distribution of medicine and other equipment in the non-liberated areas. According to defence officials, the LTTE is to be held totally responsible for the suffering caused to many including children and women in the non-liberated northern patches as it is well known that the outfit is shamelessly looting government provided medical supplies and equipment for the treatment of its battle wounded.
Faced with severe battle casualties in the Wanni front the outfit has recently threatened every individual and household under its influence to giveaway a blood pint for the treatment of its cadres. Meanwhile, the floods caused by the torrential rains recently have further worsened the situation. Many local staffers working for humanitarian relief are been threatened by LTTE elements in these areas and the basic medical supplies, drugs and equipment provided by the government is taken away by the outfit once the consignments reach the non-liberated zones, the official further added.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is assisting hospitals in Anuradhapura, Batticaloa, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaittiuvu and Vavuniya Districts with medical equipment and supplies for the treatment of sick and war-wounded people.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
German schoolboy, 13, corrects NASA's asteroid figures
Nico Marquardt used telescopic findings from the Institute of Astrophysics in Potsdam (AIP) to calculate that there was a 1 in 450 chance that the Apophis asteroid will collide with Earth, the Potsdamer Neuerster Nachrichten reported.
NASA had previously estimated the chances at only 1 in 45,000 but told its sister organisation, the European Space Agency (ESA), that the young whizzkid had got it right.
The schoolboy took into consideration the risk of Apophis running into one or more of the 40,000 satellites orbiting Earth during its path close to the planet on April 13 2029.
Those satellites travel at 3.07 kilometres a second (1.9 miles), at up to 35,880 kilometres above earth -- and the Apophis asteroid will pass by earth at a distance of 32,500 kilometres.
If the asteroid strikes a satellite in 2029, that will change its trajectory making it hit earth on its next orbit in 2036.
Both NASA and Marquardt agree that if the asteroid does collide with earth, it will create a ball of iron and iridium 320 metres (1049 feet) wide and weighing 200 billion tonnes, which will crash into the Atlantic Ocean.
The shockwaves from that would create huge tsunami waves, destroying both coastlines and inland areas, whilst creating a thick cloud of dust that would darken the skies indefinitely.
The 13-year old made his discovery as part of a regional science competition for which he submitted a project entitled: "Apophis -- The Killer Astroid."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
China will stand by Sri Lanka against terrorism
President Hu Jintao of the People's Republic of China assured Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa that China will stand by Sri Lanka in its efforts to counter terrorism. This assurance was given when the two Presidents met at Yalong Bay Resort in the Hainan Province of China today.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa is in China to attend the Annual Conference of the Boa Forum for Asia. This was the second meeting between the two leaders in 14 months, and is indicative of the strengthened links between the two countries, and the rapid emergence of China as one of the key development partners of Sri Lanka.
On matters of economic assistance to Sri Lanka, President Rajapaksa thanked China for the considerable assistance given, highlighting the Chinese assistance to the Norochcholai Coal Power Project, the Hambantota Port and the Performing Arts Theatre in Colombo.
One China
President Hu Jintao was appreciative of Sri Lanka's continued stand in support of the One China Policy, and stated that this position has stood well as a test of the good relations between the two countries.
In discussions on developments in Tibet, the Chinese President explained the unfortunate incidents that have taken place there, and thanked the President and government of Sri Lanka for viewing the matter in the proper context.
President Rajapaksa wished every success to the Olympics Games that are to be held in China later this year, and stated that Sri Lanka was proud that China will be hosting this important international sports event.
President Hu Jintao while appreciating the good wishes expressed by the Sri Lankan President for the Beijing Olympics stated that China will be sending a high level delegation as observers to the SAARC Summit to be held in Sri Lanka later this year.
On the development of investment opportunities, the Sri Lankan President invited Chinese investors to take advantage of the good potential that prevails in Sri Lanka as a destination for investment in the region.
In discussing cultural links between the two countries, the Chinese President reiterated China's agreement to assist in the establishment of the proposed International Buddhist Zone, at Piliyandala.
President Rajapaksa renewed the invitation to the Chinese President to visit Sri Lanka, to which President Hu Jintao said he looked forward to a visit at a mutually convenient time.
The President of China expressed his good wishes to the Sri Lankan President and the Sri Lankan people for the forthcoming traditional Sinhala and Tamil New Year.
China has already pledged more that US $ 1 billion in assistance to Sri Lanka in 2007.
The Boao Forum for Asia, which President Rajapaksa is due to address, (BFA) was inaugurated in February 2001. The Annual Conference of Boao is a platform for political leaders, academics and business leaders from Asia and other countries concerned with the development of Asia to communicate and seek cooperation and common development of all Asian countries.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Troops overrun LTTE defence line: 13 killed, over 40 wounded
According to reports received, 13 LTTE terrorists were killed and 43 wounded as heavy fighting broke out between SLA and LTTE since the wee hours. The advancing troops were assisted with heavy mortar, artillery and armour tank fire as they broke through the LTTE defences in the multi-pronged assault.
Despite being heavily fortified the land stretch fell into military, with soaring losses to the LTTE what was identified as a decisive blow to the outfit, defence sources said.
Meanwhile, a soldier has laid his life while 12 others were reported wounded in the confrontation.
Troops are now consolidating defences while search patrols continue to clear the area.
54 LTTE killed, 42 wounded as heavy fighting erupts in Mannar" style="border-style: solid; border-color: rgb(204, 204, 204); padding: 1px 4px; visibility: visible;" class="PopBoxImageSmall" title="Click to magnify/shrink" onclick="Pop(this,50,'PopBoxImageLarge');" align="left" border="1" height="166" hspace="1" vspace="1" width="250">Military reports received stated that, at least 54 LTTE terrorists were killed, 42 wounded and 14 others believed either killed or seriously injured in heavy fighting ensued between troops and LTTE on Tuesday(April 1) in the Wanni and Northern battle theatres.
The terrorist casualties tolled in the Wanni battle theatre as troops broke into the heavily fortified LTTE defences from the Vavuniya front, yesterday. According to reports, 36 terrorists were reported killed alone in clashes at the Vavuniya front, while 16 others were killed and 36 wounded ahead of Mannar defences.
At the Vavuniya front intermittent clashes broke out in general areas Maruthamadu, Sulanamarutamadu, Villatikkulama and Kallikkulama, security sources said.
Meanwhile, troops gained considerable ground in the Mannar front in general areas Puliyankulama, Puttukkulama, Malikittidai, Veddayamurippu and Palaikkuli as attacks were intensified targeting LTTE strong points, sources further said.
At the Jaffna front in Muhamalai, a terrorist was killed sniped, while 4 others were reported either killed or wounded in a separate confrontation in general area Nagarkovil. 2 soldiers were also wounded during the confrontation, security sources said.
Meanwhile, in the Welioya front troops recovered a total of 520AP mines during separate search operations conducted in general area Andankulama, security sources said. A terrorist was also reported killed when troops attacked an LTTE strong point in the same area, sources further said.
According to military reports, 2 soldiers have laid their lives in the confrontations while 22 others were reported wounded.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Sri Lanka enters global construction industry
Nearly 1,600 persons including engineers, architects, surveyors and planners will leave for Qatar shortly, he said.
The project will be officially inaugurated in April.
According to statistics, 162 quantity surveyors in Qatar and 700 quantity surveyors in Dubai will be employed. There are 9,500 engineers and 700 designers are in Sri Lanka. Their contribution is vital for development, the Minister said.
On completion of this project, the State Engineering Corporation will gain a net profit of Rs. 4,000 million, Minister Senaratne added.
The Chamber of Construction Industry-Sri Lanka Chairman, Deshabandu Surath Wickramasinghe and Qatar Chamber of Construction Industry Deputy Chairman, Abdhul Aseez Al Emad signed the agreement at the Qatar Chamber of Commerce Head Quarters. Moves are also under way to construct 15,000 housing units in Qatar.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Deputy Solicitor General responds to Amnesty International
"The report titled 'SRI LANKA – SILIENCING DISSENT' is based on alleged threats to the media and media freedom," said Mr. Shavindra, who specified several measures adopted by the Government of Sri Lanka to enhance protection of human rights in the country.
Fernando said that the Amnesty International report fails to acknowledge the many positive steps taken by Government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) to promote freedom of expression which is also enshrined in the Constitution and also to enhance protection in an environment of combating terrorism and shadowy killers; the re-issuing of Presidential guidelines on arrest, the setting up of Independent Commissions of Inquiry, the crackdown by the police which has resulted in a decrease of allegations of abductions and disappearances, as well as invitations extended to special procedures mandate holders to visit Sri Lanka and present easy to implement recommendations to enhance protection.
The functioning of 14 media stations in the country is a clear and ample example to project the media freedom enjoyed by Sri Lanka media organizations, he said.
"A look at some of the weekend newspapers would prove the level of freedom enjoyed by the press in Sri Lanka to criticize anyone in particular senior government figures," he added.
"While affirming the commitment of the Government of Sri Lanka to uphold media freedom, the Government rejects attempts to denigrate national institutions in the eyes of the international community to achieve petty political objectives," the Sri Lanka Permanent Mission to the United Nations office in Geneva said on Monday (12), quoting Fernando.
UNP rocks the boat in the East
Mr. Attanayake said the Elections Commissioner will make his stand known in a few days.
The front line members of the UNP led by the Opposition Leader Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe held a protest opposite the Elections Department office prior to handing over the petition.
Mr. Wickremesinghe who addressed the protest said the UNP would not allow the Government to hold another election in the future, similar to the Batticaloa local government election.
“The Batticaloa election has ignored the people’s rights completely,” he said while describing it as an election through which the Government has handed over the East to a terrorist group after taking it over from another terrorist group. This is nothing but State terrorism, he added.
Karuna’s statement in a London court where he had accused the Government of supporting the TMVP creating a division between him and the Pillayan group testified to this, he said.
Mr. Wickremesinghe warned that this State terrorism will spread to other parts of the country as well and he pledged to put a stop to it.
The Opposition Leader expressed his dismay over the comments made by PAFFREL which he alleged had agreed with the UNP stand earlier. He said PAFFREL had declared that the election was free of violence but at the same time said that there would have been a blood bath if the UNP contested.
While stating that the election had given a grim picture on Sri Lanka to the international community and to the country, he said it is the LTTE which will ultimately benefit from it.
Sri Lanka to Start Power-Sharing Plan With Provincial Election
The elections for the Eastern Provincial Council are a key part of the ``search for an end to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka,'' the government said in a statement on its Web site yesterday. More than 70,000 people have been killed in 25 years of fighting.
Voters chose members of local councils in the district of Batticaloa in the east two days ago in the first ballot in 14 years. A pro-government breakaway faction of the rebel Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam won control of eight bodies.
Sri Lanka's army captured the eastern region in July, inflicting the heaviest defeat on the LTTE in its fight for a separate homeland. The Tamil Tigers hold bases only in the north where the government plans to establish a similar provincial council giving some powers to Tamils.
The ballot demonstrated that the government will restore democracy to areas formerly held by the rebels, Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said yesterday, according to a government statement.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
ICRC resumes Colombo-Jaffna charter flights for patients
“ICRC Transported nine patients requiring specialized medical care, accompanied by two doctors and five bystanders on the first day,” the ICRC said.
Since September 2006, the ICRC had chartered weekly flights to transport patients whose conditions require specialized surgery, medical investigations or treatment not available in the Jaffna peninsula.
"We temporarily suspended ICRC-chartered flights between Jaffna and Colombo to re-assess technical arrangements and passenger safety,” said Toon Vandenhove, ICRC's Head of Delegation in Colombo.
"We worked under great pressure to resume flights, knowing that some patients would find it very hard to travel for more than 30 hours by sea and road to reach health facilities in Colombo," he said.
Starting from Monday, the ICRC will operate two chartered flights per week using a Beechcraft B1900 C that can accommodate up to 15 passengers.
Sri Lanka to import cement and rice from Pakistan
A spokesman for the Trade Ministry said that Pakistan will supply cement and rice to Sri Lanka and agreements would be signed shortly to this effect.
Meanwhile, Pakistan media reports said that the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) has agreed to export 500 tonnes of basmati rice to Sri Lanka to bridge its demand-supply gap.
Sri Lanka's UNP democratic wing says 13th Amendment must precede the 17th Amendment
The two constitutional amendments have been the hotly debated issues in the political circles in the country currently.
The government has proposed 13th amendment that refers to provincial council as the suitable political solution to country’s ethnic problem while the opposition is blaming the government for delaying the reactivation of the constitutional councils set up by the 17th amendment.
Minister Senarathne queried whether it is possible to implement constitutional council without the proper implementation of the 13th amendment that refers to the empowerment of provincial government. He asked, whether it is possible to implement a constitutional council in Jaffna.
“ When the house is in fire, we have to put it out, then only we can decide whether to repair the roof, fix new windows, colour wash…” he added.
India, Sri Lanka review anti-LTTE operations
After meeting Indian Army chief Gen Deepak Kapoor, the visiting head of Sri Lankan Army, Lt Gen G S Fonseka, said the political relations between the two countries were on right track and it was time for the armed forces to strengthen ties.
But that was what came out officially from the talks. The sources said Indian Army head took a detailed update on the recent military operations against the LTTE.
The Sri Lankan Army chief sought more cooperation with India which has kept itself away from bloody conflict.
India’s aloofness has forced Sri Lanka to look towards China and Pakistan to fulfil its requirements of military hardware like radars and surveillance equipment.
India only gives non-lethal military assistance to Sri Lanka which is seeking to modernise its armed forces to deal more effectively with LTTE. It needs a good number of aircraft for effective aerial penetration of LTTE strongholds.
At the political level, India reiterated that Sri Lankan Government should come out with a devolution package under the 13th amendment in the Constitution. It wants the Northern and Eastern provinces to be given powers which could not be withdrawn in the future.
Ailing Anura given three months leave by parliament
Minister Lasantha Alagiyawanna moved the motion requesting leave for the MP Bandaranaike and the motion was seconded by Chief Opposition Whip Joseph Michael Perera.
According to parliament regulations a Member of Parliament who is absent from sitting continuously for three months loses the parliamentary seat.
Currently, MP Bandaranaike is in a critical condition in an intensive care unit at a private hospital, hospital sources said.
MP Anura Bandaranaike is the brother of former President of Sri Lanka, Chandrika Kumaratunga.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wanni battle continues; more terror defences fall to Army
On the Mannar battlefront, in the Wanni Theater of battle, heavy clashes continued from morning to noon in the Parayanakulama area as troops ran at LTTE bunkers and trench defences. Ground troops confirmed that at least 30 terrorists were killed and 15 others were either killed or wounded in four separate incidents. Also, the military reports indicate that 6 soldiers were killed and 16 sustained injuries during the same clashes.
Meanwhile, troops engaged in clearing operations in Chavalkadu, in Mannar, uncovered 220 liters of diesel contained in two barrels and 180 liters of Patrol contained in 3 barrels that had been made ready to be transported to LTTE dominated areas last afternoon.
On the Vavuniya front, several confrontations, exchange of artillery and mortars and sniper shootings were reported in the Periyapantrichurichchan, Chinnaralayankaddu and Periyavalayankaddukulam areas during the day. Military reports indicate that terrorists numbering 5 were killed and 15 were injured while 4 own soldiers sustained injuries during these incidents.
On the Welioya front, 3 clashes were reported in the Andankulama area during the daytime yesterday. Ground troops confirmed that 6 terrorists were killed, 2 injured and, 6 others were either killed or wounded during these clashes. No casualties to own troops, the sources added.
Meanwhile, the army snipers deployed at the Nagarkovil defence claimed that a terrorist was shot down around 3, last evening.
Responses to Concerns of International Community on Sri Lanka
Excerpts of the briefing made by Prof G L Piers, the Minister for Export Development and International Trade, who was a Professor of Law before he accepted the invitation of a previous Head of State to become a Minister, taken from Sri Lankan News papers are quoted below.
Sri Lanka Government did not believe in a military solution to the conflict, but terrorism required a military response. There would be a military response to the terror perpetrated by the LTTE and a political process to address the problems of the minorities. The basic characteristic of a political solution would be the devolution of power subject to the protection of the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Peiris who had led the GoSL delegation for talks with the LTTE from Sept. 2002 to March 2003 offered the following thoughts on why attempts by successive governments had not yielded a favorable result. There is a disconnect between the proposed measures and the thoughts and feelings of the public of Sri Lanka mainly due to some aspects of the behaviour of the LTTE that are quoted below.
For success, one had to inspire the confidence of the majority. The LTTE was never prepared to discuss the decommissioning of arms as was the case of in successful peace processes in other parts of the world such as Northern Ireland.
The LTTE insisted that it was the sole representatives of the Tamils. This claim involved a conflict with basic democratic values and assumptions.
The LTTE did not want to participate at elections and subject themselves to the people's mandate.
Looking for options to generate political momentum, GoSL felt that it should not engage in discussions regarding futile arrangements, which cannot be implemented, such as changing the Constitution which required a two thirds majority in parliament. Given Sri Lanka's electoral system, (Note: Which is similar to MMP system in New Zealand) it is unlikely that any government in the foreseeable future would command such a 2/3 majority. Moreover, far-reaching statutory changes may not be immediately needed, because implementation of the laws that exist through political will and sincerity would enable considerable progress to be made.
UNP's fullest support for 13th Amendment
During the discussion, President Rajapaksa briefed the Opposition Leader on the implementation of the 13th Amendment proposed by the APRC proposals.
In addition, the discussions also centred on the 17th Amendment, a media release issued by the President's Media Unit said yesterday. The UNP's representation for the next rounds of the APRC discussions was also discussed.
The discussions were conducted in a very cordial manner. SLFP General Secretary Minister Maithripala Sirisena, Ministers Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, Prof. Tissa Vitharana, Prof. Vishwa Warnapala represented the SLFP while the UNP Chairman MP Rukman Senanayake and MP K.N. Choksy represented the UNP, the release added.
Courtesy : Daily News
Earthquake felt across much of UK
People in Newcastle, Yorkshire, London, Cumbria, the Midlands, Norfolk and also parts of Wales, felt the tremor just before 0100 GMT.
A man suffered a broken pelvis when a chimney collapsed in South Yorkshire.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) said the epicentre of the 5.3 magnitude quake was near Market Rasen in Lincolnshire.
The tremor was felt in north, mid and south Wales although staff at North Wales Fire and Rescue Service said they felt the earthquake but were not called to any related incidents.
Student David Bates, 19, suffered a broken pelvis when he was pinned under masonry in his attic bedroom in Barnsley Road, Wombwell, South Yorks.
His father Paul Bates said: "There was a rumble and then we heard a bang and my son screaming 'Dad'."
His son was taken to hospital and was due to undergo surgery later.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sri Lanka government to open an escape route for civilians fleeing from Wanni
Sri Lanka::
* Sri Lanka government to open an escape route for civilians fleeing from Wanni
Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 5:04 GMT, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Feb 19, Colombo: As heavy fighting continue to escalate in the northern region, the Sri Lankan government said that it would open a 'gateway' for trapped civilians in the Wanni area to crossover to the government controlled areas, media reports said.
“We would open an escape rout for civilians in the Wanni area and would give necessary accommodation,” government Defence Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukkwella told media.
He said that the government would create a ‘no war zone’ to facilitate the civilian movements. “We will drop leaflets to educate the public on our strategy which includes escape routes for them like we did when liberating Sampur,” the Minister has said.
Defence spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said some 100 civilians had already crossed over to cleared areas in Mannar and Vavuniya and they have been provided with food and shelter.
He said civilians could cross over to cleared areas using the Omanthai entry/exit point as well as by the sea route in Mannar.
Meanwhile Sri Lanka military said the Army had captured an LTTE bunker line in the Mannar battlefront following heavy clashes killing 10 Tigers and injuring another 20 cadres. Two soldiers were also killed and four were wounded from the fighting on Monday.
"Troops backed by artillery fire captured 600m of the LTTE's bunker line in Mannar," military spokesman Brigadier Nanayakkara said.
Australia being urged to ban LTTE
He also has the Idi Amin option of leaving Sri Lanka-like Idi Amin who took money and some women with him-he might be able to fade into the sunset. Some say that even Norway might provide him a safe haven. Some want us to encourage Prabhakaran to leave Sri Lanka.
We are now in a position to bring about finality to this crisis. It is also good to know that Australia is thinking seriously about banning the LTTE. Those were some of the thoughts Dr. Palitha Kohona Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs expressed when Asian Tribune interviewed him.
The excerpts of the interview with Dr. Palitha Kohona:
Q: It is said that so far no action has been taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the appointment of nine new Consular Generals ?
A: Regarding this problem you should not blame the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Foreign Ministry has done everything. Now the papers are with the Minister.
In fact I reminded them even on Friday. Furthermore it is not nine consuls but it is the appointment of 12 new consuls. I can't remember the name and other details of the 12 appointees right now, but I know there are persons appointed for Poland, Germany and a few other places.
The Minister has with him now 12 documents in his possession. The Ministry has done all its work. Got the clearance, done the recommendations and finally the Minister has to sign them.
Q : After signing, it has to be sent to the High Post Committee for clearance ?
A: No, appointments of Consuls are not sent to High Posts Committee, only Ambassadors go to that Committee.
Q: Is there any move, by the Sri Lankan Government to urge the government of Australia to ban the LTTE ? As you were also earlier a diplomat from the foreign ministry of Australia and the present Australian prime minister was also a diplomat from the ministry. I think it will be easy for you pursue this matter and to explain Sri Lanka's position.
A: We are working on it , in fact I was there in January, and I worked very hard on that subject. Although I was there in January, it was a private visit, but as a Foreign Secretary there is no privacy. People talk to you all the time, especially when they know you. This is the campaign I have been carrying on for some time. And I think we will succeed one of these days.
Q: But so far what are the indications?
A: Indications are good. You know that three Tigers in Australia are now prosecuted in Melbourne ? And if those prosecution succeed and it is quite likely they will prosecute some more. So once that happens, it will be only a matter of time before they are banned.
There was earlier a reason for delaying the banning. It was due to their Parliamentary elections.
The Tigers made it known that if they are banned they threatened the then Government that they will vote for the Labour Party. However the Labour Party has won anyway. I know there is lot of anti-Tigers that worked for the Labour Party. The Tiger influence may have diminished some what.
Q: We learnt that there is a move an international Non-government is trying to open fronts to provide space for LTTE in Australia ?
A: We have to be careful with organisations like this. Sometimes this people promote ideas which are not necessarily anti-Sri Lankan, but if you think in a global sense it is a good idea.
Corporate sector responsibilities are very broad concept. Environmental responsibilities, Labour responsibility, human rights responsibility, I mean it is a very huge and wide concept. So it is not necessarily anti- Sri Lankan.
So what we need to do is, we must make sure that these concepts are not hijacked by the anti-Sri Lankans elements. So we have to participate in conferences like this. Make sure that our views are expressed.
Q: Who is going to participate in these conferences. Some one should come forward ?
A: You are right. It is the very International Alert that funded the rebel movement in Sierra Leone. Not actually funded the rebel movement, but they gave a lot of money to them.
Due to, may be out of sympathy, but then it turned out that they were a bunch of thugs like the LTTE. But on the other hand, International Alert is also very much involved in highlighting corruption in this country. There are good sides to their existence, we should not forget that.
Q: It was said that it was Kumar Rupasinghe was the first Secretary General of the International Alert and he started this organisation ?
A: With the backing of Norway.
Q: There is another story to stay that Norway is making arrangements to provide safe havens to Tiger leader Prabhakaran in Eritrea ?
A: That is a good idea no?
Q: Is it true?
A: We must encourage it. I think it is a solution that I have been proposing for sometime and which is referred internationally as the Idi Amin Solution. You give a lot of money to a guy like that and send him to a country where he can live happily ever after.
Former Uganda's Dictator Idi Amin was given lot of money and was sent to Saudi Arabia with his wives and children.
Q: Sri Lanka has established diplomatic relationship with Eritrea. Is it not possible to find out from them whether it is true that they are going to provide safe haven to Prabhakaran?
A: We have, it does not mean that we are going to send an ambassador there. It means that we have established a diplomatic relationship. It is very hard and very difficult country, the conditions are similar to living in Killinochchi.
Q: If he leaves Sri Lanka to any other country, then he faces the danger of being apprehended by India?
A: Yes, that is his problem. If he leaves Killinochchi, then India will get him for sure.
Q: But if he stays somewhere, keeping a low profile, then he will not have any problem? Is it possible that Sri Lanka encourages him to leave the country by having an agreement with India not to touch him after that?
A: It will be difficult. You know that an Indian court wants him. India is a very legalistic country.
They are not going to ignore their courts. You know they regularly send us notes for Prabhakarn's extradition. And they keep on reminding us to extradite Prabhakaran to India to face charges in the India's Supreme Courts, as he is a proclaimed offender in the Rajiv Gandhi's murder case.
Q: When was the last time you got the note from India for the extradition of Prabhakaran?
A: About three or four months ago. If we catch him, we will send him as the President said, but we have not been able to catch him so far.
Q: Have you responded to them back ?
A: No, we did not, because we don't have the man with us.
Q: Any attempts to catch him with the help of the Indian Army ?
A: I mean there is no formal request as such, but everyone is trying. As a sovereign State we can't do that.
Q: With the help of a group of a 1000 or 2000 commando force from India, and jointly attack and catch him?
A: It is difficult because you know he is well guarded, well surrounded and I think we will need a lot more force than that. That is my assessment.
Animal rights group protests LTTE attack on zoo
'In addition to injuring several human beings - which was no doubt its intent - the explosive device that was set off near the zoo's birds enclosure terrified many animals in the zoo,' said Ingrid E. Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) in a letter to the Tamil Tiger leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran.
At least seven people, including two children, were injured, when a grenade kept near the birds' enclosure went off Feb 3.
Newkirk said that animals got caught in the cross fire of wars all over the world and countless animals were being killed either intentionally or accidentally in bomb attacks worldwide.
Monday, February 11, 2008
US lawmakers - Tiger lobby links exposed
Investigations show that TRO operatives and individuals whose addresses or phone numbers are linked to the TRO, regularly made contributions to the campaign funds of the very legislators who have actively promoted the separatist cause and been harshly critical of Sri Lanka's war on the Tigers.
"TRO passed off its operations as charitable, when in fact it was raising money for a designated terrorist group responsible for heinous acts of terrorism," said Adam J. Szubin, Director of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), explaining the action taken November 15 to freeze the US held assets of the TRO.
The Treasury said the TRO has raised funds on behalf of the LTTE through a network of "individual representatives" and that it was the preferred conduit of funds from the US to the LTTE.
Since the TRO 'hung its shingles' in the US, almost 10 years ago, these individual representatives, many of them successful Tamil professionals, have been the LTTE's foot soldiers, active in several states, raising funds while establishing and developing political contacts.
As reported by the Associated Press some time ago, the Chicago Tribune had faxed three pages from a federal indictment involving money laundering to a US Congressman's office which indicated that the trips of two unidentified individuals to Sri Lanka in 2005 were paid with $13,150 laundered through a US bank.
The source of those funds - whether they were raised for 'charity' or extorted from the Tamil diaspora - is not known.
Petty Officer Bandara commended by Navy
Petty Officer Bandara had made use of the expertise knowledge imparted to him by the Sri Lanka Navy during his qualifying courses leading to his present rank to perform his brave act. Armed with the expertise knowledge and the discipline and self-confidence instilled in him by the Navy instructors, he had carried out the delicate operation of defusing the deadly time bomb with meticulous attention to detail and patient adherence to procedure.
Spotting a time bomb planted by the terrorists at the Sunday fair, Petty Officer Bandara had swiftly cut off the two detonator cords fitted to the bomb seizing a pair of scissors lying near by. The improvised bomb, made with 1.5 kilograms of lethal C 4 explosives and 350 steel balls, was packed in to a plastic can and was wrapped in a shopping bag. It had been placed in between a fruit stall and a bags stall located inside the fair. The bomb was to explode within 05 minutes before its deactivation by the sailor.
The incident happened around 11.30 a.m. yesterday and approximately 4000 people had gathered at the fair to do their Sunday shopping. Petty Officer Bandra, who is attached to the Kondachchikudah Naval Sub Unit in Silawathura, had been at the fair with his wife shopping while on leave.
Tigers exploit Madhu No Fire Zone
The LTTE resorted to this tactic on Saturday afternoon directing 81 mm mortar fire towards the troops in the Mannar sector taking the cover of the Madhu shrine area at 4.47 p.m. and 4.49 p.m.
However, troops refrained from retaliating in honour of their commitment to protect religious places during these confrontations.
This was amidst the LTTE was getting heavy beatings at the hand of the troops in Vavuniya, Mannar, Weli Oya and Jaffna battlefronts on Saturday.
"More than 15 Tiger cadres were killed on Saturday morning as troops were advancing toward Periyapandivirichchan," Brigadier Nanayakkara added.
The LTTE fired mortar at the troops hours after the heavy losses in Periyapandivirichchan close to Madhu area. Three soldiers were killed and seven were wounded in action during this fierce battle in Periyapandivirichchan which is located some three kilometres south of Madhu shrine.
Tiger cadres operating in Periyapandivirichchan had withdrawn from the area along with their casualties after this fierce battle.
According to military sources the LTTE seems to have been highly disturbed by this situation as the advancing troops are poised to take full control of the Madhu area after they capture Periyapandivirichchan area.
The troops in Mullikulam area also confronted with Tiger cadres in three different incidents killing at least nine Tiger cadres.
Six soldiers also sustained injuries due to LTTE anti-personnel mines LTTE in Mullikulam and Thalayankulam. Meanwhile, heavy fighting erupted in Mannar sector too on Saturday as troops attached to Task Force-1 continued their advance in the Adampan area.
The troops in Muhamalai and Nagarkovil in the Jaffna battle front also killed seven LTTE cadres after confronting them in three separate incidents on Saturday, Brigadier Nanayakkara added
When will Prabhakaran understand human sorrow?
Still unable to believe that her son is no more, she waits untill he comes running asking for his favourite dish which he did not eat that Friday, the day he worshipped and hugged her last.
Wasantha's 17-year-old son Rajarathnem Radeeswaran did not know any difference between Sinhalese and Tamils but knew that both were having red blood. Being the only Tamil member of the D.S. Senanayake baseball team he knew the warmth of friendship but not the enmity.
On that fateful day, this sportsman who brought to the family many hopes of a better future, breath his last when a suicide female bomber blew herself in front of him and his base ball buddies, at the Colombo railway station last Sunday. Proving that there are no differences between humanity, Radeeswaran played together with the Sinhala dominated base ball team of the school while so-called saviours of his own nationality blast bombs, attacking innocent children and also using children younger to him as human shields and soldiers in a desperate attempt to fence a piece of land in this country.
The LTTE terrorists, yes of course, do not care for their own people, whom they claim that the outfit is taking care of. Radeeswaran's family which mourns with their Sinhalese friends poses a question where the whole conflict will take a new dimension if the LTTE Leader Vellupillai Prabakaran can understand.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Eight civilians killed and over 100 injured in LTTE bomb blast- Colombo
According to the sources in the Colombo National Hospital, eight bodies are lying at the hospital and 95 are presently under going treatment at the hospital. 10 of the injured are in critical conditions while four of them have been already taken to the theatre for immediate surgeries, the sources added.
According to the available information the explosion was carried out by a female suicide bomber who had get down from a train reached to the Fort railway station.
LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit that fights for a mono ethnic separate homeland for the Tamils in Sri Lanka since 1983. It operates on an ideology based on extreme tribalism and carries out genocides against Sri Lankan citizens by way of bomb blasts, ethnic cleansing raids, suicide attacks, assassinations etc. However, the outfit as a policy never claim responsibility for any of its egregious crimes and also uses its agents in media to turn the blame of the crimes towards some other party.
Defence observers say that the recent attacks by LTTE terrorist in the South bear clear indications of the outfit's desperation over the ignominious defeats that it is presently encountering at the Northern battlefronts. They also highlight the need of national solidarity at this crucial moment to bring an end this brutal terrorism.
Speaking to the a senior defence official said that several thousand lives have already been saved due to the unstinting support given by the civilians to the security forces to discover huge amount of bombs that the terrorists tried to emplace in the South during last few years. Had it not for the vigilance of the civilians and for the stern measures that has been taken by the security forces to curb terrorism, the LTTE must have already massacred several thousands of civilians in the South, he added.
Speaking further he said that, it is so unfortunate that some terrorists' sympathisers were given the opportunity to restrict security forces' counter terrorists operations positing bogus fundamental right issues. He said that it is high time for the public to understand that it is the future of their nation and their lives that have been put at stake by these bogus "rights" activists who thrive on "blood money".
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Asian nations to interact on migrant worker rights
According to Foreign Employment Promotion and Welfare Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, member countries had agreed to have better interaction to minimise abuse against migrant workers.
Accordingly a proper mechanism has been proposed to look into the work of private employment agencies, employers and tough measures have been proposed to deter possible offenders.
Also special emphasis has been laid on the proper payment of migrant worker wages and also regarding exorbitant fees charged by private employment agencies, with the members agreeing on Government intervention over such matters.
Also it has come up with several proposals to uplift foreign employment promotion in the region with the focus on better skilled manpower.
The Minister said the member countries had agreed to launch a co-ordinated effort to train skilled workers for various sectors considering the high demand for such manpower in the region and beyond.
Yachtsmen arrested for shooting at fishing boats
A German couple and another German and Brazilian sailing on two yachts from the Andaman, Nicobar Islands to Kochin had observed some boats approaching towards their yachts, 30 nautical miles off Maharawana fort.
“The sailors on the two yachts fired warning shots but the boats failed to respond and were speeding towards the yachts. The sailors fired two warning shots below the fishing boats and had injured a fisherman in the arm”, Navy Spokesman Commander D.P.K.Dassanayake said.
The Navy later reached the location and arrested the fishermen and the sailors and handed them over to the police. “The injured fisherman was admitted to the Karapitiya hospital”, he added.
Lanka sixth in Australia's immigrant intake
New Zealanders, Britons and Indians are leading the boom, according to the latest Immigration Department figures.
Almost 192,000 permanent migrant visas were issued in 2006-07, up 6.7 per cent on 2005-06.
These included more than 51,000 visas given to those already living here, says the report, Immigration Update 2006-07.
The intake is the biggest since the mass migration of the late 1960s.
Australia arguably now has the world's highest per capita migrant programme.
Traditional rival Canada currently has a lower annual rate than Australia. Victoria welcomed more than 48,000 migrants last year, most settling in Melbourne.
About 55 per cent of this intake was Asian-born; fewer than 15 per cent of arrivals were from Europe.
The top source country by birthplace was India, followed by New Zealand, China and Britain, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Malaysia, Sudan, and Iraq. Monash University migration expert Dr Bob Birrell said the influx was staggering, especially given that the figures didn't include foreigners living here on temporary visas.
Dr Birrell said the nation was experiencing a population "perfect storm" as high migration coincided with a baby boom.
"This is the legacy that the former Coalition Government has bequeathed to Labor," he said.
Dr Birrell said that while Sydney was still attracting more migrants than Melbourne, Victoria's capital was growing faster because far fewer people were leaving it to settle in other parts of Australia.
"Sydney has serious congestion problems and a high cost of doing business, which is slowing jobs growth," he said.
Of 48,861 migrant visas issued in Victoria last year, just over half were in the skilled category.
More than 10,000 visas went to spouses or fiancees of residents. About 3600 people arriving in Victoria won visas under the humanitarian program. Herald Sun